Corpsman Chronicles


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Color, light, shadow

Long, hot day of reasonably hard labor. I've been working on a corral upgrade in preparation for working (vaccinating/ear tagging/castrating) 26 recently purchased calves.

As the day began to wane I took the opportunity to play some more with the new camera. Got a bit of a light and shadow thing going on.
Prickly pear blooming.

One of the rare pink blossomed prickly pears.

Prickly pear blooming in a patch of smooth brome.

Redwing blackbird. Kind of late in the year to see them, usually migrated through by now.

He looks a little worn and beat up.

Squirreltail barley.

From the other side.


Color, light and shadow.

That nail is always there, why did I snap a picture today?

Grain auger.


Bolt hole.
More light and shadow.
Northeast wind. Unusual.
More moon.
Tired and hot and sticky and stinky and sore and creaky and not as good as I once was. Still in the 99th percentile though, so there's that.


  1. Great photos Shaun!

    Love the play of light and shadow.

  2. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I've still got to operate with my Nikon. I mean, who can keep up in this day and age with only a 12 Mega Pixel camera! Right?

    1. Shoot-fahr! I remember when (and not that long ago) there was a decimal point to the left of the mp rating. Like point-twelve megapixels. It'll be years before I figure this thing out. If ever. Just hope to unlock a few secrets before I die.
