Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Seven inches of too much fun

Let's see what that title does to the hit count. Gonna disappoint some porn surfers?

Normal December snowstorm yesterday. Conditions were dogshit most of the day with steady snowfall and just enough wind to cut viability and promote some minor drifting.

I've got a really unique set of tools in my box (another porno keyword?) which include a superb 4WD pickup stocked with winter survival gear, training and experience in both winter driving and winter survival, and enough experience and cognitive ability to stay the hell out of the storm. Which is what I did yesterday.

This morning the cows and calves were, of course, fine. They are outdoors creatures and have the insulation, metabolism, and instincts to survive much, much more than yesterday's little flurry.

I chopped ice this morning and this afternoon I'll feed a little hay.

May the warmth be with you!


  1. It all looks so picturesque, and bucolic, and cold, damned cold.

    Staying warm, aye!

    (You'll be letting us know how your hit count went way up, right? Tee hee.)

    1. I think I ruin the whole bucolic scene with my sailor language!

      It is pretty and in it's own way, quite enjoyable. Cold, yes, but not that bad, and it'll be colder before it gets warmer.

      Didn't notice a hit increase. Maybe real porn?

  2. WOW! An old thresher, and an early combine! What kinds are they? Did you buy a remote control spot? The cattle do seem to be taking this in their stride.

    1. The thresher is a Case, 1903 I believe. The combine is a Gleaner, teens to 20's era.

      I'm hoping Santy Claus hooks me up on the spotlight.

      You can really tell how well insulated cattle are by the way the snow piles up on their back without melting. Their winter coat and metabolism are such that cattle housed indoors during the winter easily overheat and get sick. My friend in Herefordshire, who houses his cattle, has to shave their backs to keep them from overheating and going off feed.

    2. I figgered it was a Gleaner, the galvanized metal is a dead give away. Here dairy barns have big fans, because of the amount of heat cows put out. Even on a bitter cold day, when the cows stay in, one of the fans will be going. Barns are warm as toast, and full of cats in the winter. Cats are good judges of warmth. With the cow generated warmth, and the smell of freshly broken bales, barns can be considered cozy.

    3. Some of my best memories are of cows, cats, and the smell of a toasty warm barn on a bitter winter day.
