Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, January 11, 2016

No free lunch

While hard working farmers are slaving away in the spring, summer and fall, I get to live a life of ease. They plow and till and cultivate and plant and fertilize and spray and harvest. They do a lot of other hard stuff I'm only partially familiar with.

While they're doing that, I fix a little fence, check water, distribute salt, and pretty much take it easy. The cattle feed and water themselves for the most part, and I get to go hiking a lot.

In the winter, though, while farmers are safely indoors, sipping cocoa, watching RFD TV, and resting up for their hard run in the farming season, I'm...

Well, I'm out in the cold and wind and misery.

There's no free lunch.


  1. Hahaha! "Where's Global Warming when you need it?"

    I don't think it's ever been present on the Plains, in Nebraska, in January. (Or Kansas for that matter!)

    1. January is the coldest month here. It's not always this cold and snowy -- only about a fifth of the time. I'm working on a post regarding this.

  2. I saw a fascinating series on bee keeping on RFD, once. Do they still have Trains and Locomotives on Mondays? RFD is one of the few things I miss about not having cable anymore.
