Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, May 9, 2016

"I loved every minute of the Air Force, don't get me wrong..."

Why can't there be good stuff like this on teevee?

Interweb Fun Stuff

Some two-dimensional representations of reality can point you in the right direction. Just keep two things in mind. You won't find them on the teevee, and they're two-dimensional representations. Good luck.


  1. Liked the first video although I didn't get the AF ref. Coulda played either of the male roles. Third one rocked. fourth one made sense. Fifth one didn't (to me). Got the last one on the third try. Not to bad.

    Good post.

    1. Hey, I got the last one on the third pass too. Wonder if that has any significance. I didn't get the Air Force reference either; just enjoyed the show. Has a lot more depth and imo value than any "comedy" you can find on television. The little girl with the glasses in the second video is the sister of the guy on the ted talk.

      Amazing what you can find on a phone while sitting in a pickup somewhere in the wilds of Nebraska waiting for a cow to calve. As firetrucked as civilization seems to be these days, there are lots of amazing people out there and technology available that would have been indistinguishable from magic when my great-grandfather was calving out cows a century ago.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    2. 90 lb bull calf who was hard to catch only an hour out of the chute. Success!

  2. That Ingrid Michaelson can warble a right pleasant ditty! The last video can also be a proof of Occam's Razor, as ascending order IS the simplest answer, sometimes it is easy to overlook the simple. I rather liked the minute physics one.

    1. There's such a lot of good stuff out there. I need to spend more time in the pasture with my phone.
