Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Blast from the past

A comment on yesterday's post dredged the following out of the memory banks. And since I seem to be looking down memory lane with my rosa parks colored glasses on...

Why not?


  1. The spirit of the fighter pilot lives on!

    (No matter how many shoe clerks learn to fly.)

    1. I was having a few doubts, then I saw the selfie the WSO made in your car. I'm thinkin' there's a lotta fighter pilot spirit left.

  2. Today, with sensitive pu%%ies we have, we'd see the Squadron PAO, OPSO, XO, CO, CMC, FITWING, Base CDR, and CNAP fired over that.

  3. Checking in to see how you are doing...As an aside I was part of a support det to Topgun in the early 80's, with VMFA112. We had 2 birds(F-4s/n/j) , cannot remember which as we transitioned though all 3 models. Most days we would launch in the am, head to the beach and recover in the afternoon. Work off any gripes and hit the bars. One of my best dets work and play wise. We only had 9 bodies on the det and we all got a lot of cross training in. Semper Fi

    1. Thanks for checking in. I've been feeling a bit poorly. Seems there's a battle raging in my body and it's drawing my reserves down a bit. Looks like some surgery in the near future; we'll know more tomorrow.

      Ah, dets. I loved dets. Hard work, hard play, almost zero chickenshit, and cross training! Where else can a corpsman learn to troubleshoot a D-704?
