Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bloggin' from the horsepistol (((updated with video and peekshures)))

When you catch me cursing the newfangled modern communications technology, don't be afraid to remind me of this episode.

I'm sitting in the infusion room at Kimball Health Services, vancomycin running into my arm while I'm "bangin' on the keyboard like a chimpanzee" (to paraphrase Knopfler.)

I've got my phone set as a hot spot and I'm working on a chromebook. KHS actually has wee-fee but it's not of the highest quality, so my phone works better.

I'm more than a bit jaded by having such magic at my fingertips, as I suppose many of us are. Doing this in this place under these circumstances reawakens a sense of wonder though.

I just shot a vid and some images and I've just discovered that I didn't come prepared (with usb cable) to download, process and include them. Be a stretch to upload a video with my phone as the hot spot anyway.

Perhaps I'll post this as is and update later with the vid and snaps.

The vanc infusion is going quite well and I've had no side effects or adverse reactions. I'm taking that as a good sign.

The heel has become devilishly painful though, and part of me wonders if that increased pain isn't being manufactured by my mind which is now a bit more informed as to the cause of the malady.

Well, I'm rather sure it's not all in my mind, but perhaps my mind is contributing a bit. Much of the deep bone pain is obviously from the infection, and I'd guess (although I don't know) that there's some necrotic tissue in there.

Well, I suppose I'll go ahead and post this up. Later, after I've dealt with the images and video I'll do an update.

If you can spare a few moments today, you might perhaps send some good thoughts toward the family of Wayne Cornell, my former Coral Sea shipmate who would have turned 50 years old today. If you could find a way to commit a random act of kindness in his memory -- perhaps a smile for a stranger -- that would be awesome.

Take care all.


  1. In the wee hours of this AM, I had a guest come to the front desk, to see about transferring to the Main Resort, ( my part is all condos, it's basically an apartment block ), as they wanted to stay another night, but were not sure if they wanted to pay for a condo. I checked on rates at the Main Resort, and was glad that I did. It is the off season here in the Wisconsin Dells, and so a condo that goes for $500 a night in the summer is $250 in the off season. I had forgotten that this coming week was teachers conventions in MN, and WI, and so rates were going to be at summer levels, as we will be at 100%. A double queen bed room, with a sofa sleeper would be around $300.00 after taxes, while I could extend their stay at weekend rates for the $250.00 they had been paying. So I was able to keep them in a two bedroom condo, for $50.00 less than they would be paying for a single room, with 2 Queen beds, and a sofa sleeper. Does that count?

  2. Dang! This malady is proving to be pretty bothersome isn't it? Rest up, hope someone is watching the herd in your absence and hope all will be well soon I trust.

    Though a lot about your old shipmate this weekend. Tried very hard to play nice with my fellow creatures and was successful. For the most part. RIP Wayne.

    Now get back to healing!

    1. Thought. (Typing on a Monday morning is always a crap shoot.)
