Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Weird tihs

I mentioned on the koobecaf yesterday that I was feeling better than I have in a good long while.

As I figuratively pen this missive twenty-four hours later, I feel even better.

I don't feel good, mind you, or anywhere close to normal, but I feel so much better than I have for the last month that I believe I could leap small buildings in a single bound. A couple of doll houses perhaps. Building stature isn't the point here; the astonishing thing is that the concept of leaping seems an achievable proposition! Smileyfiretruckin'face!

My foot is less sore as well. It still burns and stings and is painful to walk on but gone is that grinding, pounding near-constant pain.

Perhaps the most amazing thing is that my mind feels sharp and clear now, where before it was anything but sharp and clear. It's a bit like waking from a dream; a dream where I existed in twilight torpidity, in a dull and colorless world filled with completely uninteresting stuff that didn't matter because it was all superficial nonsense.

This last is rather frightening. I think I could live with being crippled, with losing a foot or a leg. Perhaps, like Wheels, the RIO I've never met, I could learn to exist in a wheelchair. But I shudder to imagine life as it's been the last month or so, a dull nothingness of mental and intellectual dissipation.

This experience has had a lot of ups and downs. Just now it's trending up and the surgery to clean out the bacterial housing project in and around my heel bone is a mere nine days away. Then, I suspect, my immune system will get on with the job of evicting that rotten crowd of pathogens, and life will pretty quickly return to normal.

That's my hope, anyway.

And now, a few images of the contrasting face of early winter, taken 24 hours apart.

 Followed by a nice day...
 And then winter returns...

And hey, presto, wintry morn in Herefordshire!

Be well.


  1. Glad to hear you're on the upswing, my friend. Hang in there!

  2. Great to hear you are feeling better. Enjoyed your before and after photos, especially the water trough and windmill. Windmills are few and far between around here these days. I miss them, all the home ranches had one, and a pump house... sigh

    1. Thanks Brig!

      They're getting more and more scarce around here too. We're down to three from a dozen or so.

  3. The news of your improving health (and spirit!) is excellent. The prayers will continue until you are fully healed. (Or would that be "heeled"?)

    Awesome pics from the Plains!

    1. That put a smile on my face. I'm thinking "heeled" would be most correct. I actually got out and did some work today. My former self would scoff about that, but my present self is quite pleased.

  4. Evicted? I prefer to think of them hunted down and killed, without mercy.

    1. To paraphrase Halsey, when we're done bacteriaese will be spoken only in hell.

  5. Very glad to hear that you are felling better. 'Twas getting a bit anxious.

    1. Thanks Captain! Still hanging in there. Putting off the surgery for a month has caused some anxiety for me as well. Perhaps it'll be for the best though. Certainly giving my immune system a healthy workout.
