Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Say goodbye to my little friend

The osteomyelitis which has laid me low for the last five months is now finally and completely defeated. I received the last of the IV antibiotics last week, and once the final labs came in I no longer needed the picc line. It was a little bit difficult arranging to have it removed (to have it removed on my schedule to be honest) so I went ahead and yanked it myself.

With my background and experience, If I'm not qualified to discontinue a picc line, no one is qualified.

Six weeks post surgery and I'm healing very nicely. I'm very nearly pain free and I can walk completely normally. Now it's time to bear down a bit and get back into shape. Five months of immobility has really done a number on my strength and mobility, but it'll come back quickly enough.

Having gone through this experience, I believe that I want to aim for a better, higher level of fitness than I had before the malady reared its ugly head.

We'll see what happens.

And let me just take this opportunity to thank all you kind readers for the well-wishes and prayers. They really did make a big difference.


  1. So good to hear you are going to be 100%, it has been a long haul, but you made it!

  2. I'm also glad you're back in "bidness". But, remember what they told me the first day at CGSC when they talked about the sports program "You're 36, not 26". The numbers may be (OK, are) different, but you shouldn't plan on running a marathon next week. We alpha types tend to forget that.

    1. Wise counsel indeed. I'm actually going to start a senior crossfit regime. Slowly. But not too slowly. I will have to baby the ankle for a while.

    2. We have guys in our circuit training/warrior yoga classes, just saying. Never thought I would need to do it, but it really helps keep one fit!

  3. Great news. You can probably start your workouts with a snow shovel.

    1. Ha! Weather guessers are calling for snow and cold over the next 2-3 days, so you're probably right on the mark.

    2. Aaaaand... I was shoveling snow this morning. :)

  4. My SIG P250C/45 is nowhere near as quite as your pistol. What was in the jug? I watched more than one of your videos.

    1. New (to me) P229C SAS in 40 S&W. Wet newspaper in the jug. Think I'm going to retire the Shield .40 and make the Sig my EDC. Except for the nudist beaches. I'll carry the Shield then.

  5. I want a P250C/22. I may get one with my tax refund. Or a 9mm AR. It's hard to say.

    1. -- These guys live across the road from me. They're building me a Stingray, should be done in another week.
