Corpsman Chronicles


Thursday, March 2, 2017

In like a lion

As the old saying goes, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

In a lot of places this is probably a generally true statement. March begins with the northern hemisphere still in astronomic/calendar winter, and ends with the arrival of spring.

On the northern plains, at 40+ degrees north latitude and 5000+ feet above sea level, it's generally not a true statement. Winter tends to hold on a couple of weeks longer here.

Yesterday March certainly came in like a lion, with roaring NNW winds carrying icy cold temperatures from the snowfields it was blowing over. Kind of a miserable day.

Thus far today the winds are mostly light. It's a bit cool but there's a promise of warming later in the day.

Old sayings are interesting, and it's fun to compare and contrast them against reality. Actually, it's pretty important to do so, to at least check in with reality on a regular basis. Otherwise one can find oneself trying to operate reality with a fantasy rule book, and this seldom turns out well.

I'm going to be quite busy today, so I'll leave you with these.


  1. Good stuff.

    Nona the Wonder Dog looks to be having a good time.

    Music (sic) and a show, gotta love it.


    1. Thanks Sarge! The Wonder is that Nona puts up with my occasional essays into song!

    2. Just proves how loyal a good dog is.

      Paul L. Quandt

    3. Thanks Paul. Nona says you make an excellent point. :)

  2. That is a rather impressive window star. I am surprised that your Ranger has not had an Explorer put on a light show for you!

    1. I never really thought about that. I'm a member of the SD Posse, I've trained with most of our local constabulary, been pepper sprayed and tased with 'em, so perhaps a bit of semi-professional courtesy?

  3. Have you ever been FOXed? 6.2 million Scoville Heat Units. I have been FOXed, it hurts. But FOX is what I carried.

    1. I don't remember the brand name but the flavor was pain. We had to get sprayed, run the obstacle course both ways, cuff and decuff, and sing the Star Spangled Banner, which we called the star strangled banner. Fun times!

  4. We approached a person, got sprayed, and had to protect our weapons, call for help on the portable, and then subdue and cuff the person that sprayed you, to show you that you can still function. That was when I decised tat if someone sprays me, I turn the argument over to Messers Heckler&Koch, and their friend, Mr. Winchester, and his Marvelous Silvertips.

    1. Yep, when your senses are impaired in a physical confrontation even Karen Carpenter becomes a deadly threat.
