Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Renewal and expiration

Quite a day so far and it looks like busyness will persist so only a brief post today.

It's now officially spring, and as we all know spring is a time of renewal in the annual cycle of life. In spring new seeds germinate, trees and grasses and forbs and shrubs break dormancy and begin to leaf out, birds mate and nest, mammals have babies, some mammals and most reptiles and amphibians emerge from hibernation. Spring is a new beginning. Winter is left behind and the world is bright and new and full of promise and possibility.

But, as I've written before, not every seed germinates, not every egg hatches, not every calf makes it. And in the fullness of time, even those seeds and eggs and babies that do make it come to the end of their mortal road.

This morning I had a dead cow. She was about 2-3 weeks from calving. She appears to have died of bloat. It's one of the potential problems of having a four-chambered stomach where cellulose is fermented by bacteria. Sometimes, for various reasons, fermentation gasses can build up in such a way that the pressure cannot be relieved, or relieved quickly enough. It can be fatal.

We seldom have bloat problems, but this cow sure did. She was fine at sunset, but dead at sunrise. Judging by the evidence she died only a short time before sunrise.

These things happen. It's a blow; you don't want to lose animals for any reason, but they're living beings and their continued existence is predicated on many more things than those you can control.

Some of the sting of loss was eased by the birth of two new healthy calves, a bull and a heifer.

The heifer was quiet and easy to tag and vaccinate. Her mama was quiet too -- until I whipped out my phone to take the pictures that go with herd records. Once she saw the phone she started shaking her head and pawing the ground. I'm anthropomorphizing there of course. More likely she was willing to allow my close proximity for a limited time, and when I crossed that time threshold I began to look like a threat to her baby. No harm, no foul.

The little bull calf was quiet too, and so was his mama. He took the tagging and vaccination like a trooper, and mama was interested but not agitated. When I went to band him, though, the problems began. First of all, he became very squirmy. Then he sucked his gonads up into his belly and wouldn't let 'em down. And finally, when I got him under control with his testiculos in the right place at the right time, the emasculating band broke. As did the second band. And the third!

So I left him be, returned to the shop for a new bag of bands, then went and caught him again. This time it went smoothly, and he was quiet about it. I could just imagine him thinking, "get it over with, please!"

I drove back by the first cow and calf and noticed a coyote slinking in the treeline. I'd seen him earlier and he'd run away. This time though he was acting like he was stalking the calf. He ran off toward the treeline, but turned around and began slinking beck toward the cow and her baby. Might have had something to do with her agitation.

I didn't have a rifle with me, but I did, as always, have my Sig P229C on my belt.

The coyote paused and looked right at me as I carefully aimed. He was facing me square on and slightly crouched. I guessed it was a 50 yard shot and put the tritium dot of the front sight right on his nose. He began to turn just as I fired and I heard the solid thump of a body hit. He spun and took a couple of bounds, then flopped over on his side just on the other side of the trees.

The 180 grain Federal HST took him just inside the left shoulder joint and did not exit.

I had to look pretty hard to find the wound, and there was almost no blood.

I don't particularly like to shoot coyotes, but when they trip my threat-o-meter I don't mind at all.

It's all part of the big round adventure of life.


  1. The cycle of life continues...

    And I learned a new word, "forb."

    1. And blogger does not recognize that word! The new elgoog mission statement: "Don't be evil, and don't worry about spelling."

  2. Those HSTs are supposed to be pretty good! I have always used either Silvertips, or CCI LAWMAN hollowpoints. Which, I am told CCI no longer makes. Too bad, I like a very reliable .45ACP hollowpoint. They make big holes. Precious says HOORAY, that another SIG defended the helpless! (Precious is my SIG P20C/45, I got it as a Birthday Present ).

    1. In my experience they work very well. I get about 1,090 fps at 9 feet out of the Sig, so about 475 ft/lb or 645 joules. Seems to be enough smack to expand the bullet nicely. Works extremely well on coyotes; never had one take more than a couple of steps. Interestingly, I only get about 940 fps out of the Shield and expansion is spotty so I usually run MagTech ball in that one. Sigs are pricey but as far as I'm concerned worth every penny.

  3. I have 2 SIGs, but my HKs are my pride and joy. They are so well made, and accurate. I want a SIG P250C/22, as it would be so affordable to shoot.

    1. I've never been able to shoot an HK well. Not sure why. I had a P7 that I hated and a USP that I really wanted to love but couldn't shoot. That P250C/22 would be a lot of fun. Since I just bought a pistol though, I have to buy a long next. I'm looking really hard for an affordable Stg. 57. The AMT in .308 is $2,500 here, but the Stg. in 7.5 Swiss is only $350 in Switzerland!

    2. I imagine the grips on HKs might be a problem for some. I know that is the case for me with GLOCK. I can't hit the broadside of a barn with a GLOCK. I have never tried a P7, I think I would have problems with the squeeze cocker system.

    3. I've never even held a Glock, let alone fired one!
