Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Quite a bit of busy

In my line of work it's best not to count a Sunday egg as a day of rest unless and until it hatches into an actual day of rest. Nothing out in the country pays attention to the calendar, you see. And that includes me.

So no day of rest but solid progress made on the spring chores list. I might even get caught up to April by June this year!

I did squeeze in room for four miles of hiking and and a very little bit of cap busting. It's a perishable skill.

And now I really need to get my newspaper stories formatted for this week. I'll leave you with this clever bit of British cow-gineering.



  1. You know how to extend a month, don't you? When you get to April 30, the next day is April
    31, the next is April 32, etc. until you have every thing done that you need to do in April. Of course, that makes interacting with people on the standard calendar difficult. My best thoughts are with you as well.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul! Today is January 112. I'll be glad when this month is ovah!

  2. Man, those almond milk cartons are tough bastards aren't they?

    I never knew British cows were so clever.

    1. I need to make up some cartouches spéciales du Chacal.

      Those cows are pretty bright!

  3. Was that a demonstration of hydrostatic shock I saw before me?

    1. I believe it was. M855 62 gr. They keyhole a bit.

  4. Nice repurposing a political sign. Anything personal, or just something handy?

    1. Those were my signs when I ran for county commissioner a couple of years ago. I lost by 13 votes. THANK GOODNESS!!! So yes and yes. Personal and handy. :)
