Corpsman Chronicles


Saturday, April 29, 2017

The persistence of bananas

You might have seen this about a month ago. I took mom to her first pre-op appointment for cataract surgery. While she was back in the exam room I stepped outside and walked around the block several times. It was ultra stuffy and warm in that office and I was nodding off. Anyway, along the way...

I'm not sure why that struck me as something amusing. Simple things amuse simple minds I guess.

Anyway, a couple of days ago we went back for the final pre-op visit. Yew ain't gonna believe this, but...


On the way home we stopped at KFC as Mom wanted to take home a bucket of grilled chicken. It had to be grilled, because Dad has developed a gluten thingy. Anyway, we didn't get the right answer from the bolt-faced mouth-breather behind the counter.

Now calling the poor girl names doesn't help anything, nor does calling the business "a bunch of losers."

But it did make me feel momentarily better.

And prove that I'm a hypocrite.

Which made me feel worse.


This made me feel better though.


Some days are like that.


  1. Were there no rose bushes around, bananas put at the base make good rose food.

    1. Not that I noticed on the rose bushes. Which doesn't mean there weren't. Maybe it was an escaped banana!

  2. Brought to mind my late friend, Al Imhoff. Had his detached retinas fixed plus cataracts removed. Complained the county had put up a bunch of new stop signs.

  3. Now I'm curious about what becomes of the banana.

    Those college students? Not so much.

    1. My knee-jerk guess is that they (the naner and the studs) will share the same fate. At some point they'll all be fertilized!

  4. LOVED the hammer and sickle T-Shirt. Says all I need to hear from that fool. A couple of hundred million voices cried out and were silenced.

    1. It really just boggles the mind. The folks who swing that way aren't evil. They've made a conscious decision to do evil. Which is imo worse and more frightening.
