Corpsman Chronicles


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Can't think of a good post title... nothing new there.

I had an email from the anti-malware program people warning me about yesterdays massive, worldwide ransomware attack.

Apparently, the attack hamstrung emergency rooms, telecomunications, and utilities sites in more than 100 countries. Seems to have begun in Great Britain and spread rapidly thereafter.

The email explained that the attack was made possible with exploitation data obtained from NSA leaks. So in a sense the attack was brought to you by the great freedom fighters who collect and release sensitive information because it makes them feel like they're really stickin' it to the man.

Now that the first world is all in on this instantaneous communication stuff and we've all thrown away our backup, old school ways, this could be the way the beginning of the end looks.

Speaking of the end, I'm on my way to help with the closing of a (the) local department store. My sister-in-law's family has been running the place for more than 50 years. Her mom and dad started out as employees and later bought the place. It was mostly a clothing store and when it's gone there will be no more like it in a town that once upon a time had a half-dozen of them.

Times change. Change is neither good nor bad, it's just change. The good or bad comes from what we do with change.

Anyway, there's allegedly 50 year plus of accumulated accumulation in the basement. My mission, and I've accepted it, is to help haul away the stuff that's been determined to be junk and trash.

So I'm off to check cows, hook up the trailer, and get stuck in to the task.


And the task wasn't quite as advertised. However, this ain't my first rodeo. Therefore, the task turned out to be about what I expected.

It's a process. I'm really glad I can help out a bit.

Lovely day here in Nebraska. Time to go check cows again, so I'll wrap this up. Hope you all are having a great day!


  1. Thank you for the post. Were there a few gems or was it all trash? How far are people going to have to travel now to get goods? Now that I am living in a small community, it is of interest to me.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul. As with most things, it depends on who is defining what. We eventually hauled away enough defined junk to allow room to reassess everything. The closing of the store really won't change anything for the locals. Everyone had learned to rely on travel (80-120 miles), online buying, or the dollar store. Most folks who still shopped there did so out of habit and to support a local business.

  2. Well, change is sort of bad if folks are losing jobs I suppose. Sorry for your SIL.

    1. Thanks Tuna. No one lost a job -- my SIL's mom ran the store by herself these last few years and now she's ready to do fun stuff for a while.

  3. I hate to see a business close. When a business closes, someone's dream has died.

  4. But the upside is that you now have more than a life time supply of hangars!

    1. I quoted the Richard Dreyfus line from "Down and Out in Beverly Hills" several times. "It's hangers that clothe you and hangers that feed you!" Went over everyone's head. I suspect that I am, in fact, a very odd duck.

  5. I'm with Scott, hate seeing businesses close. Dreams dying, jobs going away, must be some MBA somewhere we can blame, neh?

    1. This is one of those deals where a natural cycle has come to an end. The Phoenix has to become ashes to be reborn.
