Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, May 8, 2017

Lazy posting

Managed to get a good bit of work done today. I'm rerouting a bit of fence at the home place to take advantage of some ground that's rarely been grazed over the last decade or so. It's a project that's been on the list for a long time and has finally made it to the top.

I'm basically taking the last 100 yards of a a quarter-mile piece of fence and bending it 90 degrees to the south. I'll do the same to the last 100 yards of a different quarter-mile of fence further south, only I'll bend this bit to the north. The two bends will meet in the middle and provide a wide avenue into a rarely grazed paddock.

The modification won't add all that much grazing, perhaps 10 acres, but it'll sort some problems with the way the fence is presently set up.

Of course to do this I have to pull a lot of posts and re-set them in new homes. I also have to install a gate or two for vehicular passage and one or two for people passage.

Today I did a bunch of tedious prep work, taking down and rolling barbed wire and relocating some panels.

At some point I stepped wrong or something and tweaked my left hip.  It's a strain of one of the abductor muscles. Really gives a twinge. This kind of thing never used to happen to me. Anyway, I prescribed myself a bit of overnight bed rest and I suspect I'll be good as old in the morning.

In the meantime, here are a couple of mildly irritating videos.

And now, a couple of glorious videos from Herefordshire. It's apple blossom time there. Love to be able to step through the computer screen and be there in person.

And the clever cows again!


  1. You will pull the posts with a loader, right? So as not to hurt yourself?

    1. With 25 or so to set, I'll use the hydraulic auger on the skid steer.

    2. So, you will be setting all new posts, rather than reusing some, then.

    3. I was thinking you used T posts, and would pull and reuse the old.

    4. We use a mix of wood and steel posts. Depends on the location.

  2. Glamorous cowboy occupations. Fixing fence and stacking hay.

    1. Yep. That's why we get all the hot chicks.

    2. So, do you dunk them ( the hot chicks ) in the stock tank to cool them off?

      Paul L. Quandt

  3. While it kinda sucks to get old, it beats the alternative.

    1. Yes it does, and in my case my continued survival is a benefit to mankind. I can't bear to think of 8 billion souls trudging along in misery without me to tell them what they're doing wrong.

    2. You do serve a necessary function.


    3. I won't deign to advise all 8bn at once, only the ones who misbehave, usually whilst driving, in my immediate presence.
