Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Back among the bozos

Getting home was great, getting back in the saddle was great too.

For certain values of great.

The shop had been cleaned, which was nice, but it's hard to find stuff when the cleaning involved a reorganization and I don't have a list of clues.

So it took a few extra hours of work to be able to up tools and begin work.

As I've said before, it's a work in progress.

The cattle are all fine, which surprised me not at all.

A new arrival joined us in my absence. He certainly didn't get tagged, banded or vaccinated, so that'll be an interesting chore. Ah well.

The calves have certainly grown in two weeks. A couple of the earliest-born are about ready for market!

New Mexico locusts are blooming.

The grass is looking fantabulous.

Larkspur is blooming.

As are the white primroses and the prickly poppies. It's a pretty time of the year.

Wheat is all headed out and beginning to turn color. Looks like a good crop, so long as the hail doesn't get it.

Got some fence fixed today. Really good to get some physical labor done. Did about six miles worth of fencing. I can tell I've been sitting on my backside for a couple of weeks.

And now we get to the bozoism. That above was not written with bozoism in mind.

I got word today that in my absence the local kornstabulary, better known as the kimball secret squirrel bureau OF investigation (kssbi) were trying to contact me. I know what it's about, and it's no big deal, but they felt they had a potential "not where we approve" situation.

Apparently, little do they know that there's been this new thing invented, called the telephone. And even newer, the cell phone/smart phone. But nooooo. That ain't the way the kssbi rolls. This is what happens when unprincipled grownups play cops and robbers. Grownups who are not mature enough to hang with the six year-olds.

SMH and for firetruck's sake. 

They're like that in your neck of the woods too. And not just the oinkers, of course, but pretty much everybody in local, state and federal gubmint. They're "officials," and they think they're in ownership positions. People in non-official, non-ownership parts of society aren't in the tribe, and are therefore not really people, just things to be manipulated and used.

It's not the terrorists and illegals and criminals who are the problem with America.

It's the bozos and bozoism.

Not that I feel strongly about the subject or anything.


  1. The nomenklatura really do need to be brought down a peg.

    Or twelve...

  2. Lord, six miles of fence. How long did that take? I assume that you have a mechanized post hole digger?

    1. Great minds..., boggled by the thought of 6 miles of post & wire fence mending.

    2. @ Ron, Most of the day (once I found tools). Only had to stick 8 posts in the ground. Did use the skid steer and auger. The rest was stretching and nailing.

    3. @cc, It's not that bad when you do it a lot.

  3. 6 miles? Lordy, lordy. I & the ex-spouse strung only a few acres of wood posts & 3-wire around our small horse paddock, and I hated hated hated it. It does give one a nice feeling of satisfaction when it's all done, though.
    ...except that the horses kept a-leaning and a-leaning & a-stretching against the wire strands. For the "better" grazing on the other side, dontcha know?
    That fence work -- it's never done, is it.

    1. Certainly a love-hate thing.😃 Cows do the same. It's a dynamic system in a dynamic world. 😎

  4. Good fences prevent the phone call, the one that goes, "Your cows are out".

  5. Well, I'd tell you how I feel about the bozos, but not on a public forum. Besides, I would likely use words that would not be appropriate for this site.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. As the site of an ex-enlisted fellow, those words wouldn't be inappropriate at all. I do appreciate your forbearance, but I'm cool with colorful language. :)

  6. They aren't all like that. It's just so much more fun hat way.

    1. No they're not. At the same time, a clear majority, along with a clear and large majority of their fellow Americans, have ditched the responsibilities of Liberty and Sovereignty. And that is the core of the nation's woes.

  7. I always thought proper fencing was two lines 12 feet high, 8 feet apart, with white sand in between, and German Razor Wire concertina on top? And towers at the corners.

    1. I saw a lot of that in Kalifornia. It's how they keep the people where thew gubmint wants them to be kept.

  8. You could almost have started the post, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."
    The bozos get to the top because s__t floats.
    That's about as colorful as my language gets nowadays.

    1. It floats indeed, awash on a vast ocean of people who really can't be bothered to give a firetruck.

      Of course it's not all bad, nor all hopeless, but the adjustment is likely to be hideously painful.
