Corpsman Chronicles


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Long day

We departed Kimball at 0606 local. We arrived in Ontario, Oregon, at 1915 local (both times MDT).

So 13 hours on the road, 850 statute miles covered.

I used to drive 30 hours at a pop, Virginia Beach to the ranch, no problem.

I'm sore and weary but happy with the progress.

We saw Honest Abe in Wyoming.

Also Elk Mountain and a horned lark.

Then red bull at Little America. First red bull ever. No shit.

And Echo Canyon in Utah.

With the world famous fat ground squirrels.

Cows grazing in the mountains.

And a lot of dust and boise in Idaho. Sorry, no pics. Still not a fan of Idaho, although parts of it have some charm.

Good day, good trip so far.


  1. Welcome to Oregon. Are you coming further west or is that where you were going? I am a lot further west. My e-mail is:

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul. We're going to press on the Albany today and walk in the CF 5k tomorrow. Have a visit to the ancestral cremains scattering site on the Metolius Sunday. I've sent you an email.

  2. Red Bull is Nasty. I don't like how it tastes, nor how it makes me feel. Sort of out of focus.

    1. I didn't like the taste either but it did perk me up without transferring a lot of liquid to the temporary storage tank.

  3. Loved the Snake River Canyon and the Panhandle in Idaho- the glacier lakes are spectacular. MHAFB was good for jackrabbits. Shaun, what is up with us formally being able to drive 30 hours and jump right back into life, whereas now it requires an extended recovery time? I've never had a Red Bull either, how was it?

    1. I was a bit cranky by the time we fenced in to idaho. Very pretty country in places, though quite a bit of it was obscured with haze and dust. Traffic was a bit offputting in and near boise. As far as the red bull, I wouldn't recommend it on flavor. The advantage in my mind is some caffeine/sugar without a lot of fluid intake.

  4. Ah yes, the joys of travel. When we were young, easy peasy. Now? Yeah, not so much.

    Love the pics. Red Bull? I'll stick with coffee, though I've never tried it, I'm a bit leery of it.

    1. I don't think the red bull hurt me any and it did give a nice uptick in alertness. Not gonna be an everyday drink though. Tastes a bit like cough syrup.

  5. Safe Journey!
    Drove a big loop two summers ago taking dad to SD for a family gathering. We had a great time visiting old and hew haunts.

    Are you going to be in N Cali?

    1. Thanks Brig. Probably heading through N Cali on Monday but don't have a firm schedule yet.

    2. If you go through Red Bluff, you are most welcome to take a break here. Would love the chance to meet up. I will pm you.
