Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, June 12, 2017


Missed a couple of days there, didn't I?

It's been a whirlwind of good fun and travel. I planned to write more but reasons.

Just a note on food.

Let me suggest the Himalayan Grill in San Daggers. It's really good. Lamb Vindaloo. Just sayin'.

And Stir Fresh is really good too.

Now it's time to walk to the aircraft and make our final push toward home. I'll get more details crammed into the next few posts.



  1. Good tips for my next trip to Sandy Eggo.

    Great travelogue!

    1. Thanks Sarge. No shortage of good eat-'em-up joints out there.

  2. Hi Shaun! I am so glad we got to see you and your mom while you were here. Only wish we could have had more time with you guys. Maybe we will make it out to your neck of the woods soon and you can take us to that diner you were mentioning. Much love to you, and I hope you have a safe trip home!

    Love, Lauren

    1. That would be very cool if you could make the trip out here! It was so nice to see you guys and I agree, we didn't spend enough time. Next time we need to program another day or two. Love ya!

  3. Happy to read that your trip continues to go well. Have a safe trip home. My best to you and your Mom. As R.R. used to sing, " Happy trails to you..."

    Paul L. Quandt
