Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A few of my favorite things

You might remember these two.

They're my cousin Erin's kids, Mateo and Elisa, and technically therefore my cousins. Mom is their aunt (technically great aunt I believe) and was christened Aunt Huggy (Peggy) by Elisa. I became Uncle Shaun, because who cares about grownup rules? Having a niece and nephew named Elisa and Mateo feels much more correct than having cousins.

I did just a touch of uncleish spoilin', and the following are thank-you cards I picked up at the post office today.

From nephew Mateo:
Mateo is rather interested in Minecraft.

I think this is a depiction of the ranch. It's remarkably accurate!


More minecraft.

And more! I need to study up! There's a lot of information in these pictures!

From niece Elisa:
Elisa and her monster friend. They've both got such pretty eyes!

What a great trip we had!


  1. Nothing better than having a couple of young'uns to spoil!

  2. Littles are fun, interesting, and have amazing imaginations!

    1. That's certainly true. Imaginations are remarkable.

    2. So many kids have had their imaginations done in my TV, and video games. I have nephews and nieces like that. i also have nephews and nieces that kept their imaginations intact, and they are much more fun to be around.

    3. Tee-vee, bideo games, gubmint k-20 indoctrination.

  3. Sounds as though everyone had a good time. Thanks for the post.

    Paul L. Quandt

  4. You don't run across many Mateos. That is kind of too bad, it'a a rather nice name. I read a story about a heroic mouse named Mateo, once, one of Brian Jacques REDWALL books.

  5. ARE YOU OK OUT THERE? I heard about the earthquake.

    1. I didn't hear about it. Fortunately I no longer reside int the Philippines. Oh, Montana! Didn't know about that one either. So far so good!

    2. What about the one in Lincoln, Nebraska?

    3. As best I can tell, there wasn't one in Lincoln, NE, though the epicenter of the 5.8 day before yesterday was reported to be closest to Lincoln, Montanny. It's 400 miles from Kimball to BigRedVille and 800 miles to Lincoln, MT, so either way I wasn't bothered.
