Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Trying times

I pottered around with fencing work and thistle digging yesterday but I couldn't keep myself engaged in the work.

I wasn't feeling all that great, kind of worn out and dopey from the heat.

On top of that my Dad is going through a pretty rough patch. He's got a medical condition that isn't the best or the worst thing to have but has been very hard on him. Hopefully on Tuesday they'll be able to do something for him.

Dad's malady is weighing heavily on us all.

With my mind stuck in an idiot loop yesterday working with sharp and pointy things wasn't the best option, so I opted to put on the sneakers and do some road work. I "power" walked 6.5 miles with respectable (for my age cohort) splits of about 14 minutes per mile. Felt good to blow the cobs out.

Part of my route was along Highway 30, the "Fabulous Lincoln Highway." Several people stopped to offer me a ride. It's always a bit amusing to see the look on some faces when they realize I'm walking on purpose!
Lodgepole Creek choked with bullrushers.

Looking west.

Looking east.

Why am I walking? Got something to do with where choo-choo go!


Sparky the shop kitty seems to love his life.

Six-tenths of rain last night; swarmed by gnats this morning. There are worse things.


  1. Pretty country out there.

    You can keep the gnats.

    1. It is that. I've grown rather fond of the gnats.

  2. I see that the lead unit is a GE. I am told that they ride better than EMDs. I still like EMDs better. HI SPARKY! Badger Prayer said for your Dad. Dads are important!

    1. Thanks Scott. Sparky says Hi back atcha. I'll take your word on the choo-choo.

  3. My best thoughts and wishes for your Dad.

    Thanks for the post and nice photos.

    I suppose that one of the worst things than gnats is no rain.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul. The little dribs and drabs of rain bring the gnats out, so it's hard to completely hat the gnats. They also make me more understanding about the old notion of spontaneous generation.

    2. Oh Shaun, I just got through flaming juvat for a typo, now you trigger the editor in me. I guess that if I wish to continue to be welcome at any blogs, I need to curb my anal retentiveness.

      Please give my best wishes to your Dad and say a big " HOWDY " to Sparky from me. Well, not so big as to frighten him/her (?).

      Paul L. Quandt

    3. Hat the gnats. Where else you gonna get gems like that?

      Wilco on the best wishes and HOWDY. Sparky ain't afraid of nothing! He's just cautious like. He's only got nine lives, after all.
