Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The greatest good fortune

Missed a couple of days there. Blast!

My 'scuse?

I'm hitting stride on the great south unit cross-fencing project.

Hitting stride is the real key. I'm actually able to turn in full days of useful work. I'm not exactly as fit as I'd like to be yet, but I'm getting there. And the work is going great.

Oh, don't misunderstand. The miserable aspects of fencing are still plenty miserable. But the trade balance is great. I'm getting more fit and the fence is getting more done. I'm weary, achy, sore and wobbly by 5 p.m., but I have accomplishments behind me and a great night's sleep to look forward to.

In a goofy way this fence work is a passion. Yeah, there's misery, but I get to be outside with boots on the ground. Every day I spend out there increases my knowledge and understanding of the ecosystem and allows me to be better at what I do. I get to see and do things that most people don't get to do. I am blessed.

Speaking of blessed...


  1. I see the shrikes have been busy!

  2. Thanks for the post and photos. My wife is napping, so I'll watch the video clips later. Missed you when you didn't post, but work comes first, as it should.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. All play and no work makes Shaun a fat boy. 😂

  3. Being outside in the open with grass and cows is the best cure for what ever ails you, and if you have no ails then it's bliss.

  4. SHAUN:

    THAT WAS OUTFREAKING AWESOMELY OUTLOVING STANDING! Thank you so much for posting that here so that I could watch it.


  5. Added bonus of not receiving that call in the dead of night, "Your cows are out".

  6. Brian Shul was in my Squadron at Holloman. He was especially entertaining when he'd had a beer or three and you could get him talking about SR-71s.

    1. I'll bet that was fun. I love the way he takes the piss out of the navy.
