Corpsman Chronicles


Saturday, August 5, 2017

We interrupt this plan...

This morning I had a plan. It was a good plan. Perhaps unsurprisingly it had to do with fixing fence.

That plan was superseded by a different plan.

As I drove along CR24 on my way to check cows I could see from the road that some of our cows and calves and at least one bull were on the wrong side of the fence. That side of the fence belongs to the neighbor, who has his own cows, calves and bulls.

I turned into the pasture and followed the fenceline to see what I could see. Before I arrived the sound of bulls bellowing gave me a good idea of what to expect.

Sure enough, our bulls and their bulls had got into a shoving contest along the fence, and the fence came out second best.

It was pretty easy to get the cows and calves separated and back where they belonged. Our cows wanted to go home and their cows wanted to stay home and the calves were happy to stick with mama.

The bulls were another matter. They ended up in our pasture and went right on shoving each other around.

I took a couple of hours to get the fence fixed. It was pretty wrecked! But eventually I got it repaired.

Then I cut out the neighbor bulls and sent them home. That's a bit of a tricky job, but I've been around long enough to do it and do it right.


  1. Moving bulls around cannot be easy!

    1. It's challenging at times. Usually Win by out thinking them. Usually.

  2. Yep, some days the best of plans get changed, and bulls can be challenging to work...

  3. As the wimmun folk would say: Humph, testosterone!

    Paul L. Quandt

  4. Was it a Cunning Plan? A plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it, and call it a weasel? As cunning as fox who has just been appointed Full Professoer of Cunning at the University of Nebraska?

    1. I'm afraid it was a very pedestrian plan, and failing to rise even to the level of a fullback trap on the gridiron at Camp Randall.

  5. Straight, pretty much level horizon all the way around

    1. Yes it is. No mountains or forests. There's a lot of up and down nevertheless.
