Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, September 18, 2017


In eighteen fourteen we took a little trip,
Along with Kernel Jackson down the mighty Mississip.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans,
And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans.

Nah, this post isn't about the War of 1812, or the Battle of New Orleans, or the song, or Johnny Horton.

I just happened to glance at the clock as I was trying to come up with a post title and the time was 1814.

It is a catchy tune.

I thought this was interesting as well. Check out 14:50 to see a serious "oh shit" moment.


  1. I grew up with this album, It was one of my favorites as soon as I could learn how to play it on the turn table. This and the Bismark.
    Thanks for the reminder

  2. Ya suckered me in with the title. I stayed for the explosions.

    Very nice.

    1. It's interesting to watch that video and think about what was coming just around the corner. I wonder how much the nascent involvement in veet-nam influenced those tezts?

  3. This would be the song about giving drugs to alligators?

    1. Well, if gunpowdering his butt and filling his head with cannonballs counts as drugs, sure :)

    2. Took a mighty imagination to weaponize gators!

  4. Looks like an early version of a RDF Red Flag. Live ordnance on all missions, early go flew 3 times, late go flew 2. 12 Mk-82s and 900 rounds 20mm. Or a 2000Lb GBU and 900 rounds. All had to be expended. Shucky-Darn.

    We also learned a lesson about level delivery of slick ordnance frag patterns. Fortunately, we were able to go and visually inspect the damage after the DO safely landed back at Nellis.

    Good movie. Thanks

    1. I wonder what the actual score against the drones was. That had to be some tricky shootin.
