Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Battlefield Self

If you've wondered how it is that gergle and yewtoobe have come to a place where they censor content based on politics and ideology yet allow and profit from pedophilia, it's worth spending a bit of time thinking about what human beings are and what they are capable of doing.

One thing that the history of humanity tells us -- and proves, over and over and over again -- is that each and every one of us has the capacity to do unspeakably horrible things. And that we have less control over that ability than we like to tell ourselves (as we whistle past the graveyard of genocide).

"Ah," said the future concentration camp guards (every single one of them), "this doesn't apply to me. I'm a good person!"

The algorithms and ai's being produced and employed these days are being produced and employed by -- guess what -- human beings. They are not morally or ethically superior to people. How could they be? They're a mirror of their makers, albeit really fast and really loud.

That Socrates dude. You know, the unexamined life?

I suspect it's too late for many -- perhaps even most -- who've grown to relish the life of the matured and unencumbered feral child. But most isn't everyone

"After being fed a non-stop diet of freedom and rights for 60 years, people are starving to death for a diet of constraint and responsibility."


  1. I see that working at night is not interfering with your deep thoughts and cogent remarks.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. I had to look up some of them words Paul. :)


    2. That's ok, I looked up 'cogent' to make sure it meant what I thought it did.


  2. The fun bit is that something like 80% of the internet www was exploited, en masse, by the porn industry who were the first ones to come up with a way to make people pay to watch content over the internet. It wasn't CBS or FOX or CNN or NYT. It was those pathetic trolls in the San Fernando Valley who leaped to exploit the new thing and INVENTED ways to make people pay for stuff online. Nowadays, people think it was Bezos or Gates but no, sadly no. We are what we are.

  3. Man, there are a lot of feral children in the wrld right now.

    1. StB:

      Are the feral children the ones stealing the letters in our posts?

      Paul L. Quandt
