Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Some days

are busy.

Good workout this morning.

A number of hours spent trying to arrange for medical supplies through medicare.

Other medical stuff.

Pasture lease stuff.

Tax stuff.

Writing project stuff.

Draining Dad's abdomen.

Morning will be here very soon.


  1. Is that a container putter onner/taker offer?

    1. That would be my guess; it sure looks like that's what it's designed for. It's parked along the grain loading siding at the elevator. I've never seen it in use but wonder if they don't occasionally need to move containers when loading grain.

  2. Glad to see you posting more often, I miss my news of western Nebraska. Hope it isn't taking too much time from real life though, I'm still trying to find a balance.

    My best to you, your Dad and Mom, and Nona the Wonder Dog.

    1. Thanks for the kind thoughts Sarge. I'll have to look into that balance thingy. A quick glance at wikipaedia shows it to be rather complicated... :)

  3. ^^^ What Sarge said.

    You had me with the bird feeder. Under "Pasture lease stuff" so I was thinking is that some sort of big concrete box with cages on the side to hold hay bales? Us city slickers are easily confused. Always interesting to see your musings and enlightenment.
    John Blackshoe

    1. I should do a better job of 'splainin! Just being busy with stuff doesn't make for a very satisfying blog post. Anyway, pasture lease. We're leasing out pastureland to a local rancher who has more cattle than land. There's a written contract involved, so it's pretty technical. The upside is that our shortgrass prairie ecosystem gets grazed, which it requires to stay healthy, and we get to collect rent.

  4. Some nice photos.

    My best to you, your Dad and Mom, and Nona the Wonder Dog. ( I just copied and pasted what OldAFSarge wrote, but I couldn't put it any better, so why not. )

    Thank for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. P.S.: Yes OldAFSarge, the check for using your, no doubt, copyrighted material is in the mail.


    2. Thanks Paul. Nature does the wonder, I just point my phone and tap.
