Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, February 15, 2019

Winter and Spring

The weather guessers called for snow overnight, and they were right. They also called for southerly winds and an afternoon high of more than 40 degrees. They got that right too.

It was pretty frigid this morning, 16 degrees as the sun came up and that southerly breeze felt awfully cold as I began scooping snow.

It wasn't much of a job, scooping an inch-and-a-half of snow, but it did warm me up nicely.

When I finished I hit the weight room and then the road.

I carried my trusty broom along to sweep the underpass steps. Nothing wrong with a little extra care in the "let's don't slip and fall" department, especially when it takes physical effort that can be categorized as exercise!

The sun was fighting through the clouds as I ran steps, making for a pretty light and shadow show.

It was a visual, tactile, and auditory treat.

Then a train came by and it got even more better.

This afternoon it got pretty nice, and the dogs enjoyed a game of ball. Red decided to play Australian (Shepherd) Rules.

I've got a corpsman chronicles in the works. Hopefully I'll get it up tomorrow.