Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, October 14, 2019

What the hell was that?

That was the sound of me actually doing a full day's worth of physical labor. Feels good.

It's presently Indian Summer here, there having been a hard freeze earlier in the week and now, with the passage of the weather front, the sun is radiating strongly through a crystal clear sky and air temps are warm and delightful.

Just in time for Columbus Day!

The fact that it's Indian Summer obviously means two things. One, it's one of the most beautiful times of the year. And two, it won't be long before the season of hard living is upon us.

And now, on with the show!

As for working today, I had a mess of fence to fix. I had a big pasture to go around and nail up loose wires, which involved four miles of walking and a good bit of hammering.

Then I had a short stretch of fence to tighten as well as add a fourth wire to, so I did that. I babbled a lot in the following videos. Put it down to the relief of still having a modicum of good health. Or maybe it was sunstroke.

I was really proud of myself!

It was altogether a good workout. It was nice to be able to do some actual useful physical labor. It was nice to not have to quit it the middle of things because my ratty old body was falling apart. There seems to be hope, in other words, for a return to normal life, including good ol' sweat-making labor. Yay!

And just because it's Columbus Day, enjoy this. In a shamal, with the boat in a starboard hook! Can you say shit hot? All in a day's work -- Naval Aviation Style! And what an 80's porn star/naval aviation mustache! If this video doesn't convince you the kids are alright you might want to lay off the geritol for a while... 😈


  1. Memories. A cowboy's life is fixing fence and stacking hay. Excited as to what I would be doing in the Army, I was crushed to be trained as a Combat Engineer, stringing barbed wire and stacking sandbags.

    1. The military is so brilliant at crushing hopes and dreams! I always think of the poor Wyoming cowboy kids who join the Air Force to see the world and see... F.E. Warren.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    2. Or my Wyoming cousin who joined the Navy to see the world and spent 3 years on Adak Island.

    3. My Mom used to say she felt sorry for the kids who joined the USCG, to partake in daring rescues at sea, and wound up on a work tug, maintaining Aids to Navigation on the Missouri.

    4. The services employ some of the most evil minds in the universe as detailers.

  2. Happy to read that your life is returning to normal. As to the j.g.'s mustache, that would have been a little to wide to be in reg when I was first in the service. However, Officer vs. enlisted and all that.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. It's not a proper Naval Aviation 'stache if it's in reg!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Paul!

  3. With the way that barbed wire looks, I hope your cows are current, with their tetanus shots.

    1. It's been laid up in the lee of a windbreak for a decade, spending each winter at the bottom of snow drifts. The wind and blown dust will scour it clean and shiny in a few months.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. There was a guy in my shop at Clark AB who'd enlisted in the USAF to get away from home (Myrtle Beach, SC). The Air Force, in its infinite wisdom, assigned him to Myrtle Beach AFB after ground radio school. His parents lived a few blocks from the back gate. :)

    1. Again, you can't make such things up!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Larry!
