Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A wise old saying

A lot of years ago my Grandpa Wilbur uttered a bit of advice which has stayed with me ever since. He shared it with a great deal of humor, and indeed it's funny as hell the way he said it, but there's a solid core of truth at the heart of the thing.

"Never stand up when you can sit down, never sit down when you can lay down, and never lay down without going to sleep."

Red has the right of it.

Here's Grandpa and Grandma Helen out for a lark shortly before they were married. I think they were 19 and 17. That's Grandpa's brother Dornie and his wife Georgie in the background.

Grandpa on left and Dornie at right. Don't know who the other two are, one appears to be a sojer boy. Image appears to have been mad the same day as the one above.

Grandpa and me! Right at 18 years before I joint the navy.

Grandpa and Grandma still having fun as an elderly couple in their (gulp) mid-50's.

Today on what was once Grandpa and grandma's ranch:

Be well and enjoy the blessings of Liberty!

That is all.


  1. "Never stand up when you can sit down, never sit down when you can lay down, and never lay down without going to sleep." I developed much that same philosophy many years ago; I just didn't add that last part about going to sleep. However, these days, that ( sleep ) happens more often than not when I lay down.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul. It's good advice.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Sojer boy? I'm betting that fellow is a Marine. (The khaki belt looks "Marine-ish" and I'm guessing the trousers are green. But what do I know?)

    Your Grandpa was a wise man. (Fun loving too I'll bet!)

    1. That's the impression I got too. Looks much like a Marine on leave. This would have been 1939, I believe, and around these parts all the boys who went away to serve sere Sojer Boys, I remember the term so often used by so many who lived the meat of their lives during that time and are now long gone. As is the term, I think.

      Grandpa Wilbur was one hell of a Man, and I miss him. I was blessed indeed to know and love him.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. My maternal Grandad, "I don't care if you go naked, take all the clothes you got", referring to traveling in Wyoming.

    1. Now that there is good advice!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Love ol family photos.
    Back in the day, Men looked like men to my way of thinking, no scruffy faces, man buns, and they were all thin... sigh
    My grandpa on my paternal side was a cranky ol guy to most, but he always read the Sunday funnies, and sang Irish songs to me.

    1. Sigh indeed. Many things have changed.

      Those are precious memories Brig, Sunday funnies and Irish songs. Big smile on my face.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Those cows appear to be lurking! I didn't know cows could lurk!

    1. They can lurk with the best. If given cause they can go rogue, lurk, and carry out a sophisticated ambush. Best not to give cause.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott!

  6. Don’t eat yellow snow.

    I don’t recall where i heard that first. Probably already well known amongst this crowd? (and maybe 1or 2 who have even tested it out??)

    1. An oldie but a goodie. I'm not sayin' one way or the other.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting cT!
