Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, December 23, 2019

Stupid on a budget

Lost my EDC knife yesterday (day before yesterday as I write this), the one with the seatbelt (shroud line) cutter and window breaker.


I was busy as hell yesterday (the real yesterday as I write this) and there were several occasions when I needed that thing! I had to cut tubing to drain a fuel tank, then cut more tubing to fix the fuel line, then cut parachute cord to lash some stuff down, then cut tape to open packages and cut more tape to close packages -- the list just went on and on.


Then last evening I reached into my starboard/forward trouser pocket and found my EDC knife where it had been all along. I always keep it in the port/forward pocket, but I swapped it out the day before yesterday because I was keeping change separate from my own change while running errands for Mom. Never put the knife back where it belonged. Then when I reached for the damme thing later, in the port/forward trouser pocket where I always keep it, and it wasn't there, I couldn't muster up the cognitive ability to check the other pocket, where I had good reason to check given the change separation which had happened only a few hours previously.


Stupid on a firetrucking budget!


There. I feel more better now.


Yesterday was a bit of a, oh, I don't know, just not optimal. I was a bit ill all day with some kind of stomach upset. I wanted to blame it on the food my sister-in-law prepared for our "ersatz Christmas meal" Saturday evening, because that would tickle my own perverse funny bone. She is such a great cook and so meticulous and would have died of embarrassment if she accidentally made someone ill. It would have really been funny to blame it on her, but only if she could take and understand the joke in the spirit it was offered, and it would be wrong of me to expect that, so, funny or not, I didn't go there. Besides, I was already feeling a bit ill before the meal, so no chance at all it was her food.

And truth be told, we did have a funny about her food anyway. She made a salad with EU sprouts and pomegranate seeds and various other things.

It was very tasty and i enjoyed it a lot, queasy or not. As we were eating Mom asked her if those were Pomeranian seeds in the salad, which started a huge gigglefest at the table -- with Mom leading the giggling!


From yesterday.

High goofiness (no actual "highness" involved!).

Cloudy sunset.

Bit of Christmas light cheer (still light outside so look close!).

On to today. Feeling better. Not perfect, but better.

Cows. Who'da thunk it?

Did my draining water trick work? Kinda-sorta.

South pasture glacier.

And not-glacier!

And now, time to go set gates and get ready to move cows tomorrow. Better get this posted up or I'll never get it done.

Be well and enjoy the blessings of liberty.


  1. Why is it you find things in the last place you look? I always, without fail, put my keys in the same place, except when I don't. Gad, I hate treasure hunts!

    1. I have no idea. I suspect it may be the Good Lord reminding me that I really ain't "all that."

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I am pleased that you are feeling better! I am about to go out to the kitchen, and make some pancakes, as third shifters will at,1830, that being breakers time.

    Then, tonight being a night off, I shall watch the Alister Sim Christmas Carol, and read awhile, and start on a 1:6 scale project, a 2 cubic yard dumpster!

    1. Sounds like plans for a good evening!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott!

  3. I had some kind of bug the last couple of weeks. I just didn't "feel good", and the tummy would go on strike at random times. Seems to have passed for now....

    Geez, if I can't find my "pocket knife" I flip out! I have half-a-dozen different ones, but my current favorite is the Gerber I carry. I do NOT like the locking mechanism as it's pretty clumsy to fold it back up, but the blade is great.

    1. Mine is back this morning (December 24). Yuck. Nothing terrible, just tummy upset, tired, weak, touch of fever. Probably Ebola.

      Flip out is a perfect term. Like my pliers, I use the knife many, many times a day. When it's not there it's an awful thing. Even worse when it's actually right there, just in the other pocket and I can't bring myself to find it! Mine is great opening and closing but the blade doesn't hold an edge very well. Can't have everything i guess.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting drjim!

  4. Videos look a tad sharper, are these with the new camera?
    Looks like Nona got the ride along today, instead of Red.

    Merry Christmas to the whole Evertson clan, two and four legged, and thanks for feeding us, and now that we know, keeping us from depending on furriners for oil too! Best wishes for the snow kids, their Mom and all the other folks you have helped, too.

    1. Thanks John amd Merry Christmas/best wishes to you and yours. I'll pass that along to the Snow Clan as well. Every little bit helps!

      I shot a couple of those with my "new" Canon which is several years old and has a micro-pitted lens. It does a very nice job but isn't always to hand. The new camera, an AKASO Brave4 (go-pro knock-off) is sitting on my desk. I have to learn to work it as it's got a bunch of clever functions associated with completely non-intuitive button press combinations. It's also hooked to my phone wirelessly and I want to do the same with my computer but haven't figured it out yet. It should be very nice. I think I can connect a wireless mic as well. But it's a lot of learnin' and events haven't allowed much study time of late. Sory of everyone's life I guess. :-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. I seem to constantly misplace things these days.

    Getting old ain't for sissies!

    See everybody on the other side of Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to one and all. (Happy Hanukkah for my Jewish brothers and sisters.)

    1. Thanks Sarge and the same thoughts and wishes back at ya.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas!

    1. And for you too, Brig! Thanks for stopping by and commenting and making this place (and me!) better with your presence and comments!

  7. "Then when I reached for the damme thing later, in the port/forward trouser pocket where I always keep it, and it wasn't there,..."

    I had to laugh out loud when I read that because I have done the exact same thing. I, too, ALWAYS put things in the exact same pocket ( except when I don't ) and if it's not there when I reach for it, why, of course, I must have lost it. Well, I did lose it, I have hidden from myself. One time it was several days before I found the lost object in another pocket.

    My best wishes to one and all for this season of which ever holiday you happen to celebrate this time of year. May the holiday season see you and yours safe and well on the other side.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. We're all a bunch of very amusing lizard-apes, or so my alien friends tell me!

      Thanks very much Paul and best wishes for Christmas Cheer and a wonderful new year to you and Kristin. Hope I remember her name correctly, though even if I do I probably got the spelling wrong.

      And thanks for being part of this place. You make it better you know!

    2. You remembered Kristin's name exactly correctly.

      As for my commenting on your blog, you are very kind for writing what you wrote.

      By the way, have you told NASA about your alien friends? They ( NASA ) could sure use some help.


    3. Ah, good. I'm not completely senile then! ;-)

      We're trying to bring NASA along slowly. Hopefully when the present generation of so-called management dies off the follow-on managers will be poised to de-stupidify the place. I tried to get the aliens to take the present managers off our hands but they tell me that we're quarantined until bureaucratitis runs it's course and burns out on this planet.

    4. Ok, fine. Well, they'll get what they deserve later. They will come to regret that decision.


  8. LOL, once 'lost' my glasses for about four hours... ON MY HEAD... sigh... Merry New Year, Happy Christmas, and all that other stuff... :-)

    1. Seems to be a theme here...

      Thanks for the seasonal wishes and the same back to you. And thanks for stopping by , commenting, and being a part of this crazy thing!
