Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, December 27, 2019

Winter storm warning

So we've probably got a winter storm bearing down on us. The forecast looks reasonably solid, and the only real question is how severe the storm might be.

This morning the oil filter for the backup generator finally arrived so I spent a couple of hours getting the thing checked over, fired up, and tested. Worked pretty well. It's not a perfect system but it's probably adequate. Got 36 hours worth of fresh and freshly stabilized fuel on hand. Unless something shits the bed with the generator or transfer switch we should be able to have power if the grid electricity goes down.

That last is certainly a possibility given expected accumulations of rime/glaze ice and follow-on high winds. Those conditions make fore downed power lines.

In an interesting twist, the NWS keeps shifting the expected heavy impact area to the north. Earlier today the forecast said we were ground zero, now they've moved ground zero 150 miles to the north. 

As always, we'll see what happens. We're as prepared as we can be given what we have to work with, which is not an inconsiderable set of assets.

I'm afraid I've been too busy to snap pics or shoot videos. Maybe tomorrow.

Be well and enjoy the blessings of liberty.


  1. I really appreciate the NWS updating the forecasts.
    What's disturbing is when they post a forecast on the koobecaf and folks ask for current conditions of updates in the comments.
    Anyway, hunker down, when you can, with a good book.

    1. That's funny about the koobecaf. Some researchers claim that introduction of that particular piece of kit dropped the average human IQ by 30 points.

      I'm prepared to hunker and read. It'll be interesting to see what develops weather-wise over the next 36 hours.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Laagering up is always a good idea, when winter storms approach!

    1. It is indeed. I finish my preparations at high speed and filled with energy, then suddenly I have to stop and wait out the storm. Takes a while to talk myself down from the frenetic pace of whatever the hell I thought I was doing to control the situation. Not a bad problem to have though.

  3. I cleaned out the garage from all the Christmas junque today so my Sweet Little Wife can get her car in. She doesn't mind driving in it, but she hates going out and clearing the glass.

    We're expecting snow showers, then all snow tonight and tomorrow, with maybe an inch. I remember the ice storms from back in Illinois, and they can really clobber an area. We're about 88 miles Southwest of you, and snuggled down in the foothills, so I think we'll scoot through this one OK.

    Keep warm, stay safe!

    1. NWS has been steadily reducing their published severity every hour on the hour. Looks like we're in for just another December 28. Three to six inches of snow, a little bit of unpleasant northerly wind later in the day, some blowing snow. Since 1893 we've had snow on this date 26 times, ranging from a trace in multiple years to 3.5 inches in 1987. Measurable snow depth 48 times, including 11 inches in 1985. So yeah, December. Fortunately for us, we only rarely get ice storms. It gets slippery but we don't get thick ice accumulations.

      I don't like cleaning the windows either. Garages are awesome, except the way they gather and hoard junk when no one is looking!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting drjim!

    2. We got about 2". Some wind, but not bad, and no drifting in town.

    3. Blowy, cold, and miserable here. Not much snow, some drifting. Almost like it's December or something!

  4. You're prepared well, so stay comfy and enjoy.
    But, do you still have to go out to check cattle,or at least play icebreaker for them during a storm? Bet your 4x4 is good enough for all that, but if in doubt try plan B. Don't want you to do a sequel to "snow" kids starring you and Red.

    1. The cows are all gone to corn stalks now so I don't have to check and break ice. The stock watering systems are now shut down for the season, except for the chicken watering system, who hopes to not be shut down for many years yet. ;-)

      During very severe weather such as actual blizzard conditions the cattle take care of themselves. They're hardy beasts and with the shelter we have in place they can tolerate blizzards quite well. Once the storm has passed there's always a lot of work getting feed out and chopping ice, but there's never any reason to risk human life venturing out into the white death.

      If I found myself stranded I'd be in good shape. I keep extensive winter survival gear in the vehicles, up to and including power packs for the phone. So shelter, warmth, dry clothes, food, water, and entertainment. Might be better than sitting at home!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting John!

  5. Replies
    1. We'll do that Brig. Looking like not much of a storm right now. Have to see what the day brings...

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Well, as it is now Saturday, how was the storm? I hope everything and everyone came through well.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. And I'm replying on Sunday. We're all fine and in fact better than fine. The storm was pretty much just a typical December day. Cold, windy, a touch of snow, some drifting, nothing at all like July.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

    2. "Cold, windy, a touch of snow, some drifting, nothing at all like July."

      Do you mean that you get more snow in July?


    3. We do. Seen the snow plows out on many a July morning, clearing a couple of feet of hail off the roads. It's all solid phase dihydrogen mono-oxide, eh?
