Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Cool, cloudy, rainy-snowy, dreary, damp, shivery.

Pretty good day for rest. Which is a nice coincidence as my body said we were resting today. You know when you know.

So cals and mobility this morning and a two-mile meander.

Along the way Red and I looked at the old Evertson No. 1 oil well, which went in in about 1950 and pumped oil pretty consistently for 50 years.

It's pretty much abandoned in place, though technically and legally it is not. I don't know exactly how such things work, but I believe it's illegal to abandon in place and when wells are permanently retired they must be capped and the site remediated. Fun to look at the old one-lunger LP-fired engine.

Big flywheel!
Regarding the legal status of the thing, the above is just what I think I know, and it may be completely or partly incorrect. In such a case there would be a difference between what I think I know, what I actually know, and what is.

Story of my life.

The ground around the storage tanks has eroded two feet since the tanks were put in place. The old tanks are interesting, bolted together from relatively small sections of steel. Lots of sludge down in the bottom. Nice view from up top.

Yesterday I returned to the new cafe in town, the one where Snow Girl and I ate Saturday night. This time I had the swiss-jalapeno burger and it was quite good. Better than a Big Kahuna Burger by far.

And no one shot me in the shoulder for saying "what" one more time.

It does seem to freak them out that "I don't want fries with that." They just nod and say "uh-huh." There are worse things.

Win a few, lose a few, it all evens out in the end.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Ahhhh...."Pulp Fiction", a very interesting movie.

    No, I don't know what was in the briefcase.....

    1. Interesting indeed. I'm still not sure if I love it or hate it. I do like the way it's crafted.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting drjim!

  2. Hhmm, hhmm, this is a tasty burger.

    It's a fine looking burger too.

    1. Sometimes a goid small town cafe burger is wonderful. It's always just a burger though. I took a cheese steak home for Mom and she thought it was really good.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

    2. Best burger I've had since moving here has been at "Vern's Place" in Laporte.

      Freddie's is really good, too.

  3. Well may just be "resting" to allow seepage of more oil into the area it pulls from.

    1. That's certainly possible and something I never thought of. We know hydrocarbon transformation is a continual and ongoing process too.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. So, did you have lunch by yourself or with company? Nosey people want to know.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Just myself and 35 or so assorted nosy Antelopevillains. That's an amusing story of itself. Hope I write it down before I forget. Anyway, it was I alone in the booth.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

  5. Resting and burgers a good day and I gotta admit your burger was a lot better than mine, although I did have the fries. :-)

    1. I have a bit of a rest hangover today. Not sure if it's something physiological or mental, but I have a powerful hunger for hard cardio this morning. I'll get to that in a bit.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Harold!
