Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Not a Muse thing

I've been trying to post for several days and it just hasn't been working. Well, to be honest (what a concept) I haven't been doing what I need to do to get a post up.

It's not a muse thing. I've got plenty of ideas.

It's not a time thing. Though I've been unexpectedly busy with some not so fun tasks I've also had plenty of time to blog and publish.

It's not an illness thing. Yes, I've got nerve pain. Yes, I'm dealing with a low-level dose of the winter crud. So what.

I just haven't been doing what's needed to post. I haven't been sucking it up and driving on, at least not when it comes to blogging.

Now that the whining is over, it's time to post.


Today's weather is not very pleasant. It's quite cold, with air temperatures in the teens and low 20's and light snow being whipped along by north winds of the 25 gusting 50 variety. The so-called wind chill -- a largely stupid guesstimate in my book -- is in the 5 degree range.

Despite the unpleasantness of the present meteorological conditions (watch out, meteor showers!) the conditions nature is giving us today are magnificent. Nature's often hidden strength is on display and is awe inspiring. Despite the cold air flowing down from Canada, it's considerably warmer than the cold Canadian air of a month ago. That's because as our planet continues to zip around the big glowy-burny thing, axial tilt and orbital geometry are giving us more direct sunshine and longer daily periods of sunshine. This warms the atmosphere here in the northern hemisphere. A month ago weather similar to today would have yielded air temps in the single digits. Tonight's forecast of single-digit air temps would have been a forecast for sub-zero air temps a month ago. So cold misery aside, spring is rapidly approaching and will be here soon.

None of which keeps me from complaining. The chickens aren't complaining. I think there's a message there that I should be paying attention to.

Two days ago it was very nice out.

A couple of days before I cleaned out the chicken house.

The next day the chickens built a new straw nest and began clutching eggs. That there is a a sign of impending spring, Leroy. Chickens may be bird-brains but they don't believe the baloney pedaled by the weather propagandists!

Fourteen hens, fourteen eggs.

Meanwhile in Herefordshire, spring is pending as well, despite torrential rains and flooding. No, it's not climate-change-end-of-the-world. It's life on planet Earth. The planet will happily continue doing what it does, and go right on happily ignoring the predictions of the self licking turd polishers.


Sometimes I have a hard time believing how stubbornly whiny I can be. As I sit here typing and as the cold wind continues to blow snow outside, the sun -- at the very same time -- is fighting through the swirling mess of solid phase precipitation. The sunshine is casting shadows and melting snow and ice, even as the storm persists.


And speaking of whining, how easily I overlook my blessings.

Three months ago -- a full quarter of a year ago -- I accidentally met the Snow Kids and was able to render a bit of assistance. Since then the two of them, despite facing serious life-stuff ups and downs, have made it a point to be steadfast friends. The blessing of the thing is that they've both been busy proving, with deeds and not words mind you, that the common narrative about Gen-exers being a worthless lot is utterly wrong. Which I knew intellectually to be true, but it's nice to have proof.

Breaky with Snow Girl, which she proudly paid for. And yeah, "breaky." Cool, eh?

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Winter here has been rather spotty this year. Some fairly cold days, a couple of dustings back in December, some trace snow in January, all in all a big nothing. But it is what it is, as much as I'd like to control the weather (scary though that thought may be), I don't. Each day has its own uniqueness for which I am ever thankful.

    But brother, it looks cold out there! (Breakfast looks yummy by the way.)

    1. Good ol' weather. Mama Nature serves up some spectacular conditions!

      It feels cold here too!

      The new place does a very nice breakfast. Very nice everything else, too.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  2. Did you blog anything else about the Snow Kids? (and/or is that more of a “need to know” clearance situation?)

    As for “writers block” (blogger’s block?) On one hand, the best compositions seemingly “write themselves” although your fans will be happy to see something as short as “i’m not dead yet! i think i will go for a walk!”

    1. See your other comment of today.

      I'm going to copy and paste the above for my next post! ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting cT!

  3. Cold penetrating wind depresses me so I remind myself that I'm not out feeding livestock and milking cows in a four wire winter.

    1. Me too. I like thinking about not chopping ice on a day like today. Although I kinda miss it a little too.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Up heah in Maine, the weather has been fickle, one day super warm (for this time of year) and then the next day sub-zero and the snow that is due has been rain, sleet or freezing rain. I hate running or even being out in 20+ mph winds and Bennie (our dog) hates it even worse than I do :-). I have gone through the same exact thing with my blog over the past couple of weeks, so it is more this time of year and the winter crud stuff. :-) Glad you are back to it.

    1. The wind is the part I hate the most. On the flip side I guess I feel pretty good when I've braved it and proved I can take it. Which is kind of like slamming your finger in a door to forget about your headache. ;-) I am racking up the miles though and the hills are moving my cardio fitness in the right direction.

      The nice days have been spectacular this winter, but they've been pretty sparse since mid-November.

      Nice to know I'm not the only one with blogstipation.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Harold!

  5. Welcome back.
    Another canine family member? I don't think we have been properly introduced.

    Winter ain't over, Mamma Nature is just teasing us!

    Good on the snow kid. Besides saving their butts from potential death or frostbite, you are probably at least partially responsible for their progress from dark places. Well done! Let that success balance any regrets about other individuals why may not be making much progress. Us ape-lizards have free agency, and despite the best efforts of others, not all will recognize and do what is in their own best interest. Focus on those willing to accept help.

    1. Thanks John. That was Jake, a big city dog visiting from Omaha. He's not sure about all this country stuff but he's a good dog.

      I agree, plenty more snow and cold to come. One of these days though the spring fever will give way to spring.

      The snow kids are great. When they bounce problems or ideas off of me they always end up talking themselves into thoughtful, well reasoned decisions. Sometimes execution is a little shaky, but that's true of me as well. They've become fast friends and I'm blessed that life threw them at me.

      As for the others, well, they're still in the game. Where there's life there's hope.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. A late entry today, but I have an excuse ( yes, I know, excuses are like armpits, everyone has a couple and they all stink ).

    Happy to read that you are alive and as well as you are. Nice reading about the Snow Kids, they sound like good people.

    I will watch the videos tomorrow and ( likely ) comment on them.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Party don't start ti' you show up Paul! ;-)

      They're pretty cool people, the snow kids.

      I'll look forward to your next visit!. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. Good post. Thank you. That is a nice looking breakfast. What did the other person eat? It reminds me of my first blue plate special breakfast in Idaho. Along with the toast, you got lots of bacon and lots of eggs. I do not remember, but it must have had potatoes being Idaho and all. Sadly, there were no grits. It was January and colder than I had ever seen. I guess you needed all of the calories just to support the shivering. Good to hear about the Snow Kids. Please remind them that they have a fan club. Please keep posting when you like and I will try to say hi more often.

    1. Thanks Mark!

      I ordered the two egg/two rasher combo, hold the hash browns. I think the cook was scandalized at the open space on the plate, or she felt sorry for me, so she threw on a third rasher and an extra slice of toast. It was very tasty and the new high school waiter (I kept calling him a waitress) was learning on the job but trying very hard. Combined with sharing a meal with a friend it made the whole thing an epic breakfast. Snow Girl had that big farmers' omelet and polished it right off. She's a growing girl and works a physical outdoor job, so she needed the calories! I only "needed" the calories from perhaps a single egg, but I ate my whole meal and ran up some extra slopes later in the day to try to burn it off.

      I tell the kids all the time that they have a fan club pulling for them and that more than anything I do or say seems to awe them and make them feel better. Powerful medicine in a fan club!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. Well, I watched the videos and I was greatly impressed by the first one; you made two/three (?) passes down the driveway and poof it was done. I always enjoy your videos of the chickens because, chickens. It was also nice to see the video from your friend in Herefordshire.

    When are we going to meet the Snow Kids on video? Their fan club eagerly awaits an introduction ( well, at least I do ).


    1. It's good to have a magic snow shovel!

      Chickens, calving and lambing in England, the world is full of wonder. :-)

      As for the snow kids, I'll mention it and see if they want to be world famous or not :-O

  9. Kids getting their acts together is ALWAYS a good thing. And I think they look to you as a mentor.

    1. It's a really cool thing to see and be involved with a little bit. One of the good deals in life.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
