Corpsman Chronicles


Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Canadian-Mexican War

The winds have been howling back and forth across this neck of the woods since January 1. First they blow from the north, then they blow from the south. It's like Canada and Mexico are exchanging broadsides. Regardless of which side is shooting, it's always howling.

January 20 and 21 and February 4 have been the only days in 2020 when we've had gusts lower than 25 mph. Toss out those two days in January and the 35 mph daily average jumps to 41 mph. February has been a bit less windy with only a 32 mph average thus far.

I don't know why I'm whining about it so much this year. It's winter. It's the Panhandle of Nebraska.


Busy again today and I've got an early go with an even earlier brief in the morning, so I'll just throw up a couple of brief videos.

Despite the pesky and persistent wind it was also quite pretty today.

The wind didn't harm egg production.

Difference between January, February, and March? Sun position and not much else.

But they're all precious days.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Grew up in south-central Nebraska and worked for a while in Omaha. After the massive downsizing there, I got a job in North Carolina, where the news reporters got all excited if the wind got over 5 mph :)
    I've since retired to a region where the winds are usually very light as well.
    The wind is one thing I can't say I miss.

    1. During these windy periods I often find myself longing for the places I've lived -- such as Tidewater -- where wind like this simply wasn't a thing. Oh well, it keeps the flies down. And if feels so good when the wind stops!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Frank!

  2. My cousin in Rock Springs says Wyoming is windy because Nebraska sucks and Utah blows. I like your theory.

    1. Your cousin is probably more correct than I am!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. We had some winds earlier in the week, with temps bordering 70 degrees.
    The wind abated and the temperature dropped some.
    [side note: up in the Sierras there were some heavy wind gusts, including a measurement of 209mph at Kirkwood (near Tahoe).
    What we'd really like to have is some rainfall.

    1. Yikes! 209 mph? I think I'll keep my whining to myself lest someone up above think I need a lesson on real wind...

      Here's hoping you get some rain. Dry ain't no fun.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Give Nona another pat (when you're not driving), like maybe while you are waiting to get that windshield replaced.
    Enjoy the relatively nice, and more or less normal, weather.

    1. The "best" local auto glass guy has ordered the wrong windshield twice so far and is in the process of trying to get it right this time. Third time's the charm? Sometimes I wish we had a windshields-r-us.

      Supposed to be quite nice but breezy today. I'll take it.

      Nona says, "Ranks, Ron."

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Replies
    1. She's wondering why all the attention all of the sudden. ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott!
