Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, March 2, 2020

Self evident

When we count the cost and weep for the fallen we should remember that what they did is far more important than the fact that they died.
"Little girls Of Nagasaki - A New Generation"

The photo was taken by a U.S. Sailor on liberty in Nagasaki in 1987. Thanks Guns!

That is all.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. It's because of what they did that we have the freedoms we enjoy today.

    Cute kids, that is a nice photo.

    1. Ape-lizards do lots of stupid stuff. It's self evident that they do much more brilliant stuff.

      Despite my propensity for acting as a vocal crybaby, I really do love this not being dead gig.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!
