Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Real, S1E1

I'm getting splattered in surprising ways by second and third order effects of the pandemonium. I'm not going to go into detail, it's probably not worth it for any of us, especially you long suffering readers.

However, it's challenging and in many ways hard stuff to deal with, so that's all good. Does suck up more time than I would have imagined, but that's just part of the deal.

Today's hike was a good one. I'm coming off of a 10-mile monster mash on Monday and I'm still a bit leg weary and sore. But not as much as I was a week ago. This old body still has a lot of reserves and a beautiful habit of healing and recovering spectacularly.

Getting started was a real slog today, and I had to use the old Jedi mind trick of "I'll quit at the next hill" on myself. Clever Jedi that I am, I keep hiking farther and farther away from the pickup as I go, so when I'm finally ready to really quit, I have to go all the way back! It's a good system. I'm very gullible.

The following videos are from the last two miles of a 5.29 miler.

Trying a new video thing.

Am I getting the flavor of the slog across?

Parts of this hike are pretty good, slog-wise.

Some of the slopes are right slopey. Particularly Vader Hill. I like to run it sometimes, but not today.

And finally it was over, just like that.

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

And this evening as I drove into town the turkey vultures were swirling overhead. Obviously we're about to be depopulated by the virus thingy.

Today's newspaper had an interesting graphic on the front page. The Panhandle of Nebraska finally (Finally, finally, finally, yay!) got a "cornfirmed case." Seriously. We thought we'd never get a "confirmed case." It's so great, even better than winning the national championship! /sarc. Kinda.

Anyway, the paper published a very terrifying report on every single place the fellow visited before he was laid low. Which is vitally important information because, um, well, you know. It's um... Important! /sarc /sarc /sarc! Hell's wrong with this html thingy anyway?

I know it's terrible and I'm a terrible person, but I don't think I'm going to lay down and die, and I'm not going to blow my fortune on a final spin with hookers and heroin. And to prove how terrible I am, this thing reminds me a bit of the scene in BHC where Axel Foley taunts Victor Maitland in his lair. The above graphic is like a list of all the places Ramone visited with his herpes simplex 10.

Well I think it's funny.

Too much of my ugly mug in the vids? Chime in.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Really?
    You had to say, "Run."
    Hikes are terrible enough without you talkin" about runnin" hills.
    Give us a break.
    I did 3.3 miles on flat ground in a little over an hour and somethin'

    1. Running those hills is great, and the geometry of running uphill is impact benign plus cardio fantastic. But it's really, really hard. Which is good, but sucks at the time.

      Good on you for getting out and about! Doing it is far more important than any particular distance. I'm just one of those guys who has to crow about his amazing feats. ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Skip!

  2. How did they know where Panhandle Patient 0 went and the dates and times? Did he tell them, I rather bet that they tracked him from his cell phone, a little scary that is.

    1. I don't know the answer to that. I do know that in the navy corpsmen who were preventive medicine techs were tasked with tracking disease and they did extensive patient interviews, so perhaps that's how public health officials do it. Now back in the 70's-80's navy preventative medicine mostly tracked, er, social diseases.

      One aspect of this that's frightening, given the constant terror being peddled and the way people love to spool each other up, combined with today's common victimization landscape, is that I can see people attacking "confirmed cases." It's not like it hasn't happened millions of times down through the ages.

      Kind of interesting to think about in the context of liberty and privacy. "Everyone" says, "I have nothing to hide and only criminals fear people/government observation." Which is great except for the major problem of persecution.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  3. I hope that you take what I'm about to write in the spirit in which I mean it ( that is as a friend giving a friend a gentle poke in the ribs ), but the first video ( the only one I've watched thus far ) is a bit like an obscene phone call: i.e.- lots of heavy breathing.

    After that bit of foolishness, on to the other videos.


    1. Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing about the heavy breathing. Pretty off-putting really. I am a certified pre-vert, but the heavy breathing thing isn't my bag. I think that as much as I want to prove to the world how hard I'm exercising, it's kind of a rotten thing to do to you kind readers. It would be better to video more nature stuff and keep the video commentary to a minimum. Just "show" with images and video and only "tell" in the text. That's what I'm thinking as of April 2, 2020 at 11:49 MDT. Who knowd what I'll be thinking at noon. ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

  4. As of the third video- it is obvious that you were a member of the DOD, your videos have much to do with ' de fence '.


    It is apparent that this is ' Turkey Thursday ' ( at least as far as my comments ).

    1. No doubt about it, fence is a major part of my existence. And I was thinking about getting a few turkeys...


  5. Sixth video: Re: Your comment of the number of stairs climbed, my wife ( in thee olden days, when she was working in an office building ) would have that number of stair steps, although hers were real stairs between floors. She misses the exercise of those stairs. Many of us here-'bouts will be very happy when this ' social distancing ' ends and we can gather with our friends and neighbors.


    1. Going up is very efficient exercise!

      It'll be very nice when the social distancing ends. Hopefully second and third order effects won't be catastrophic.

      As with every other day of existence, suck it up and drive on is a good policy.

  6. Finally, chickens.

    Ok, I'll ask: What does the " NWTF " on your hat stand for ( and don't tell me " not much ", I'm the wise a** around here ).

    Thanks for the posts.
    Paul L. Quandt

    The reason it took me so long to watch all your videos is that I am also playing a game on my other computer ( multi-tasking ).

    1. I bought the hat from the National Wild Turkey Federation, allegedly to help them with fundraising. What I really bought it for was the prominent NWTF, which most of us veterans understand to mean, "Now what the fuck!"

    2. Thank you. That was a new one to me.


  7. Paul! Thank you for asking about guess would have been naval warfare training facility (or some such or another) and i was happy enough to stew in my own ignorance on that one!
