Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, April 3, 2020

Real, S1E3

The last couple of days have been quite interesting so far as the local weather is concerned. April 1 was sunny and warm with a high of 70 degrees. Yesterday, April 2, featured a high of 27 degrees and a low of 7 degrees. The day was mostly icy and foggy until we had a brief but intense snowstorm that delivered 1.5 inches of fluffy white goodness. Last night the temperature plunged to a chilly 3 degrees. To be precise, it didn't get that cold until 0635, and that's technically this morning. But I think you take my meaning.

Just for fun, here's an image of the night sky I took Monday evening around 10 p.m. local. The constellation is my old friend, Orion, the Hunter. When he's shifted up and to the west in the evening sky it's spring.

When I checked the chickens this morning they were soaking up the sunshine but sticking pretty close to the chicken house. They seemed relatively chicken content, but didn't seem to want to go chickening about as is their usual wont.

I was sore and tired this morning, which meant it was time for Red and I to embark on a hike. It was still quite chilly but the sun was April high, the sky was clear, and there was no wind. Yesterday's fog ice was still attached to the north side of pretty much everything, but it was starting to lose its frozen grip!

This is a bit more than two miles from where Red and I began our hike. You can hear the springtime bird song in the background.

View and sounds from atop my own private Isandlwana.

And a recap. A comedic recap, imo, but you probably had to be there.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the chickens had decided to chicken around.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. LOL, there I was, watching you walking out in the back of beyond, enjoying the peace, and this some babe starts telling you "High intensity 3 minutes AWESOME WORKOUT!" I need to get a life of my own. Can one change the voice to a man, asking for a friend...

    1. I'm pretty sure you can! ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Brig!

  2. Well, it may be cold, but you have sunshine. We have warmer air temps but overcast skies. Nice to see the chickens, Nona the Wonder Dog and Red. You are looking well also. I guess the snow kids didn't wish to become internet stars, oh well. I hope they are doing well. Say " howdy " for me the next time you see them.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. The sunshine is amazing, too. Beautifully warming even when the pesky air is cold.

      Snow kids are intuitively reluctant to participate in interweb exposure without giving it careful thought. As a boomer, I learn a lot of good stuff from the gen zed.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

  3. Love the bird song out there on the frozen tundra. What a lovely day!

    1. It was very pretty yesterday and carried far and wide in the near stillness of the warming day. Such a delightful time of the year!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  4. Yep, winter hasn't decided to release her grip yet... sigh

    1. Nature does her own stuff her own way!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
