Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Sunday comms check

"Salt, Streetcar. Romeo."

"Lumpy chicken. Mike?"



I just caught the Adventure Express. Didn't see it coming.

The ride is extremely dynamic. It's blown me completely out of my old guy rut. I'm still an old guy but the ride is so kinetic it feels a lot like green ink ops. It feels very alive, and that's been missing for a long time.


"It ain't dyin' I'm talkin' about. It's livin!"

Agustus McCrae


I'm in the middle of a big fencing project. The point of the initial phase is to rebuild a cross fence dividing a square mile pasture in twain. The fence was in place years ago but is in serious disrepair. When rebuilt it will allow grazing to be more properly managed, including keeping cattle out of a larkspur infested draw until the toxic plant is finished flowering and becomes much less of a hazard.

It's a lot of work. A major complication is the nerve impingement I'm dealing with. All non-extinction medicine being presently outlawed, who knows when I'll get it fixed. So I simply keep going. It hurts, but so what? My pain burden sucks but is so much less than so many people deal with that I'm a slacker if I don't charge ahead to the best of my ability.


Yesterday someone asked me, in essence, why I'm happy and not whining all the time. They believe my burden is too great and feeling sorry for myself is the proper path.

Part of the answer is this. Once upon a time I held a young sailor's heart in my hands when it beat its last. Who am I to cry and whine about a life I have when David Wayne Cornell -- and so many others -- gave up everything they had and could ever have to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

It's so very simple really.


I am blessed beyond measure, and that's a fact.


Assorted images.




Middle of the Road

These panels

On this trailer

kids, prairie

Don't know, but I'm researching

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Good to see that you're still alive and kickin'. Breakfast without things that belong on ice cream. Are you on a diet? You can stop the research, seriously, that's the disattached finger of someone who has been clearing brush without gloves. Bad idea. On another note, it is nice to read something by someone with rational thought processes. Thank you. Please keep us posted as you can.

    1. I am indeed. Not on a diet as such, just trying with unprecedented success to eat properly. Seems to work pretty good.

      One of my friends opined that the little cacti bears a striking resemblance to a different part of the anatomy.

      The Big Aircrew Chief tries to keep me rational. Sometimes it works.

      I'll post as I'm able.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Mark!

  2. I haven't been around much for the past week.
    I guess I'm happy to see I didn't miss anything.
    My problems, too, are few in relation to the Big Picture.
    Belay that.
    It's my challenges that are few.
    I don't have any problems.

    1. Thanks Skip, I needed to "hear" that!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. In case you missed my (super) late post on the chicken sign:
    Ran a search for VELOCIRAPTOR CONTAINMENT sign, and saw where Amazon is selling the sign.
    It was listed as Jesiceny-Danger-Velociraptor-Containment-Aluminum/dp/B07S1SKBX7

    As for pain, in some ways it can become the new normal that you learn to deal with (unless I have a REALLY bad knee flare up). You just keep on keeping on.


    1. Thanks Frank, I did see your post and forwarded the link to higher. I suspect we'll soon have one for me to install! ;-)

      And yeah, suck it up and drive on or lay down and die. I ain't ready for the second option.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Fixing fence and stacking hay; the glamorous life of a rancher. (written with more than a little envy)

    1. It's the best. I am so very blessed. Wish I had a way to share the full experience. It's rather soul cleansing.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting WSF!

  5. Happy am I to see your post; I was beginning to start to be somewhat concerned. I was hoping that you were just too busy to post, and not that things were amiss.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul. The busies stack up quickly and lots of no-post days can accumulate in a hurry.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Figured you were busy being a rancher and not laid low by the virus-thingee.

    But it is good to see you back in battery here at the blog.

    Be well!

    1. Thanks Sarge. Life's a little kinetic just now which is a good thing for me but pinches the blog pretty severely.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. It's really simple. We do what we have to do, in spite of the pain. There really isn't any other choice.

    1. I agree completely Cajun. It's quite freeing in a way.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. I know what you mean about working through the pain. I had a two level fusion ten years ago and now the next level is acting up. Cortisone in the spine helps but that is currently a non essential proceedure. I do take minimal dosage of Gabapentin at night to get some sleep.

    1. It's a blessing to be able to persevere.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Howard!

  9. Once again, upon awakening this morning, I saw the ceiling of our bedroom. It's going to be a good day.

    1. Two thumbs up!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
