Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Homeostatic variability

Everyone -- with a very small but non-zero exception to the rule -- knows that algore was right and our political enemies are perpetrating global warming on us. Temperature is soaring out of control and the ice caps and glaciers are all gone, completely extinct just like the polar bears. It will never snow again. Meteor showers are rampant. We're being murdered by our political enemies who now control the planet and are killing us just cuz, cuz.

Which is a neat trick, because if everybody agrees and we're evenly split as to political enemies, then half of us are wrong.

When you look at actual measurements and other data a very frightening possibility emerges. Since reality doesn't match the global warming narrative -- temps are rising only in doctored computer models, ice caps and glaciers and polar bears (oh my!) still exist, the meteors aren't real, it just keeps snowing...

Maybe we're all wrong.

Occam and reality appear to show overwhelming evidence that the planet's climate is broadly homeostatically variable. That is, climate wobbles back and forth within a normal range, driven by robust feedback mechanisms which are all much more powerful than the collective ape-lizard population. In fact it's fair to say that said population is little more than a skin blemish on the planet.


So atmospheric carbon dioxide is up, as it's always up following a bout of heating. It's a lag indicator. Warming causes carbon dioxide to out-gas from the crust, but it does so gradually and over time. This stuff works according to physical law, not political proclamation. As atmospheric carbon dioxide elevates it has a profound effect on plant biomass. Since every bit of the carbon needed by plants to make cellulose and lignin -- the structural components of leaves and stems and flowers -- comes from atmospheric carbon dioxide, more plants grow and they grow larger, so long as their roots have access to enough water and micronutrients and there is enough sunlight to drive photosynthesis.

These are the conditions we presently enjoy. Conditions are just right for abundant plant growth. Herbivores eat plants and are prey animals. More prey means more predators. More plants and more animals means more food for all living things. Sunlight drives plant growth and the energy stored as hydrocarbon moves up the ever growing pyramid of life. We now live in a golden time.

There are upsides and downsides to living in a golden time. One downside for me is that we now have more thistle to contend with and manage. I mean, seriously, do you think the planet is going to cause growth only in plants approved by a skin blemish? Be serious.

There is a vast difference between the reality of planet Earth and the narrative of the Holy Tee-Vee. It's there for all to see, and it's easy to see once an ape-lizard turns his eyes away from the emperor's absent finery.

It's actually a lot of fun and very satisfying to play the part of the child in HCA's tale, to look at what is and not what everyone insists must be. Being a childlike ape-lizard in this fashion is one of the very best parts of embracing the blessings of liberty. Much better than being childish and demanding that the universe dance to one's tune.

As ever, there are choices.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. That whole farming/ranching gig looks just a little too much like work for my taste. No problem with shooing the critters out into the pasture, but then you tell us you gotta fix the stock tanks. Well, okay, I can (grumble, grumble) probably do that. Next you tell us you gotta go our and find weeds and dig them up or cut and spray. I can just barely be coerced into doing that for the front lawn, but for a couple hundred acres of pasture filled with cow pies and snakes and stuff? NO way!

    I'm happy to pay whatever the rancher wants and will pick up from the freezer case at the grocery store.

    Take care of that back anyway.
    Saturday will be the day for extra celebration of the blessings of liberty and those who gave it to us. "If we can keep it..."

    1. The upside of what I do is hard to quantify. I get so much satisfaction from the thing and you can't really measure that. It's good and healthy activity as well; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. No handy units of measure for those things. Hard physical labor is a great challenge. Hard mental labor likewise. Learning and growing. Figuring stuff out. Being willing to have my certainties smashed by nature when she changes things up. It helps that it's a paying gig, and that within the constraints of dealing with reality on realities terms and not going broke I'm free to do as I think best. No time clock, no dress code, yada-yada. So it balances out nicely.

      Speaking of the meat case at the store, right now beef is quite pricey. That's more a function of the handling/processing part of the food supply chain, which has been intentionally crippled by millions of folks who chose to chase the emperor's fabulous new clothes. We're all going to pay for that, and if we allow the plans of the vast media-government complex to proceed, we will all collectively usher in a dystopia to make Berlin '45 look like romper room. We can't alter the reality of the physical world but we can sure kill ourselves. And probably will.

      I'm taking good care of the back and seem to be on course to get some efficacious medical treatment.

      I'm going to embrace Saturday. Hope it's not the last one.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting John!

  2. We've only lived here three years, but this spring/summer seems we're in for a bumper crop of weeds.

    It's enough of a chore to keep our 1/4 acre cleaned up, so I can't imagine the amount of work you have to do on a large ranch to keep them at bay.

    1. It's a good weed year, that's for sure. As far as my work load, it's not as bad as it looks. One bite at a time.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting drjim!

  3. Should I start becoming nostalgic about ranch life, I flash back to how I felt when the 2,200 120 lb wire tied bale of the day spit out the back of the New Holland and I lifted it into place on the slip.

    1. It was great, wasn't it? Not many people get the chance.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting WSF!

  4. "I get so much satisfaction from the thing and you can't really measure that."

    Living with the land as you do is a reward all it's own. The City Folk would never understand the joy and satisfaction it brings.

    1. It's a blessing to have and live the life I'm navigating. I wish I could share it with everyone, and sometimes I pity those city folk, but I'm sure that those who choose to live beautiful lives as well.

  5. I am a city slicker, to somewhat cure this my Dad sent me to work on his brothers hog farm during summer vacation about 40 years ago. I recall how work was never done, and wondering how you do it by yourself? My uncle had six kids, a wife and me, and it was work all the time. And you keep up the blog! Hats off to you Shaun! Jim

    1. Thanks Jim. Raising hogs is a lot of work, as is raising any livestock for profit. I'm quite lucky in the work area for various reasons, chief among them being that beef cow/calf pairs really don't take all that much direct day-to-day labor inputs, particularly in summer. If they have water, grass, and intact(ish) fences they pretty much look after themselves. Lots and lots of stuff on the ever growing to-do list and not enough time for it all, but I manage to make progress toward long term goals and keep my priorities straight and simple. For certain values of simple...

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Jim!

  6. How did I miss this post?

    No doubt I was wool-gathering, and not the productive variant of that phrase.

    Great post!

    1. Having gathered wool in the production sense many years ago...

      I don't stick to my blog production schedule very well. Warms my heart that people are interested enough to visit and persevere in hopes of a fresh post. That's an amazing thing to me.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
