Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, August 3, 2020

This is a terrible thing to do...

But I'm stuck short on time and I want to post this stuff up. So here are just a few vids.

Juvenile sharp tailed grouse.

The sound of silence. Or is that the sound of grazing? The world is a beautiful place.

Morning ranch view.

What a calf believes she sees no wise man has the power to reason away...

I have to drag a previous video up to pre-'splain this one...

And now for the good stuff. As I was checking fence on the west quarter I startled a juvenile Swainson's (I believe) hawk into flight. But he/she isn't a very good flyer yet. Much wonder and beauty ensued...

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Nature sure is fuckin beautiful isn't it Shaun... Can't wait to see more of it with you.

  2. Not terrible at all. Me too, so this is to let you know that I am here and looking. Beauty abounds. Please post it when you can. Stay safe and well and keep on livin'.

    1. Wilco Mark.

      Nature is very cool!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. We see raptors here in Philly, and I once walked out the back door after a light snowstorm to see a hawk standing in the snow surrounded by a ring of bloody feathers.
    The hawk looked at me with a "What the f*** are you looking at?" attitude and kept on eating.

    As the other commenters said, Nature is beautiful.

    1. Yeah, they are pretty testy when standing over a kill!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting John!

  4. Good stuff.

    Nature provides a magnificent show all the time, we just need to pay attention.

    1. Sometimes she throws it right in your face😊

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  5. Wonder how many driving I-80 find your area bleak, barren, and boring?

    1. I imagine that quite a few do. More out here than meets the eye.

      Thanks fir stopping by and commenting!
