Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Autumn arrives, right on schedule

Yeah, I was out there This morning.

Just barely.

I didn't leave the house until 0710. Would 21 minutes suffice to relocate myself to the seasonal change video site?

Just barely.

But just barely was good enough.

Slow pan. Autofocus not happy with the lighting. But horsies!

More glorious morning from the first day of autumn south of Kimball, Nebraska. Former seabed!

Four minutes of pure, well, something...

And another four minutes! A little bit of sage anyway...

And anyway, on with the day. A problem to solve!

"Wots all this winterizing mean, then?"

Last video stop on the south unit today.

On to the home place! Autumn cows.


Fuzzy pronghorn!

And that's a lot of video. I guess it's a decent tour of the first morning of autumn in this part of the world. Hope my blabbing wasn't too bad.


At lunchtime the little ones sat with me for a few lovely minutes watching "songs" on my phone. What a blessing.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Fuzzy Pronghorn WBAGNFARB.
    Just sayin'
    I can't help myself.

    Thanks for the closeup of the Equinox.

  2. That's closer than I've ever gotten to a Pronghorn (well, except the one that paced the truck from 20 feet away on the other side of the fence). And winterizing is not fun, but definitely necessary!

    1. They seem to like to play! And winterizing, yeah...

      Thanks for stopping by.
