Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bio attack!

"Noise with dirt attached." That's the proper state of being for a little kid.

And mired in the dirt, germs!


When I woke up at 0300 it was to dash to the head and hurl. Yuck! Gastroenteritis, almost certainly viral. Stomach flu. Filthy kids!

Far more likely of course that the "germs" that made me hurl came from some filthy adult at the dollar store.

Anyway, weak and sickly today, but slowly feeling better.

Hope the kids don't get it but they probably will.


From the batshit crazy file. Keep it or not? She liked it. "It's so soft!" Didn't mind the whole touching my face thing. ๐Ÿ˜

That's "feel kinda sick" face. Stomach flu plus new blooger interface.

I'm not a beard guy though. A winter beard can be quite handy when facing a lot of frigid wind, but I've only done that a couple of times. Dang thing is mostly irritating. I'd like to cut it off and probably will. I'm just not all that ZZ Top. But she liked it and touched it a lot.




Enjoy some pictures...

See the flower? No, not the big brown one...

This flower. A member of the Senecioninae tribe, probably threadleaf groundsel. Misplaced my ID book.

A bunch of 'em!

Two bunches, with wire!

Lazyman staple. If it's stupid and it works...

Prickly, prickly, prickly.

A vole parked in the sun atop a fence post, most likely placed there by a raptor. Could have been a shrike I suppose.

Sun peeking over the I-80 pass-under.


This brings back some memories. NAS Norfolk and the surroundings haven't changed all that much. Neither has fiddling with hung gear in the hover.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Can't be much fun holding a hover that long.

    As to the beard, I had one after I retired. One day after church we were walking down the street (we were hunting bagels) and I saw myself in a shop window. I was wearing a coat and tie and my trusty fedora, staring back at me from the shop window was one of those veterans of Gettysburg fifty years after the battle.

    Shaved it off that afternoon...

    1. A right Navy challenge that was. I was trying last night to count all the times I've seen helos with hung gear landing on makeshift "stands" ashore and afloat. More than 10 for sure. Never had to do it as crew but we did blow the gear down a couple of times.

      That's rather a nice word picture; a bearded and fedora-topped bagel hunter.

      I was all set to cut it off this morning when I remembered I'd just spent a dozen dollars on fancy beard oil which should arrive in the morning post. So it's gonna have to stay, right?

    2. Well yeah, I mean you spent money right?

      (Beard oil, sounds Persian or something...)

    3. I chopped it off. The youngest was still go for beardoff after her nap. Close enough.

  2. Ehh, not sure about the beard. Certainly needs some trimming to get it from "homeless" to homely. Might even look good someday. The goal should be to look respectable,responsible, mature, dignified, not a rebellious, addled, contrarian who shaves the top their head instead of the bottom just because they can.

    Great nature photos. Is that the remains of a mouse or something on top of the post?

    Good job by the helo folks (all of them, the maintainers who got the gear down and the pilots who did a great job hovering the slice-o-matic away from the worker bees. We need to save all the helos we have, and the -53s are an endangered species already.
    Reminded me of this Gyrene with his hovertoy:

    John Blackshoe

    Hope the barfiness goes away without bothering the kids.

    1. So far so good on feeling better. Strange fever dreams seem to have healing properties. Kids seem to have dodged the barf bullet thank goodness.

      Those Harriers are pretty cool. Maybe should have kept the A-4M's though...

      If I lose rebellious, addled, contrarian there might not be a lot left...๐Ÿ™„

      That was a good dressing down John๐Ÿ‘ I needed that๐Ÿ˜‰

    2. Oh yeah, think it's a vole carcass atop that post.

  3. I get the urge to grow beard out of my system every year in November.
    MB likes it but leaves it up to me whether or not to sustain it.
    The only time I kept one longer than about two months was to spite someone out of pure orneriness.
    It was worth it, but I was happy to let it go.

    I'm not even gonna discuss stomach ailments because I don't wish to jinx anything.
    Feel better!

    1. The little one told me to cut it off today. If she still agrees with herself tomorrow it's coming off. I'm really not a beard guy.

      I am feeling a good bit better this afternoon.

      Thanks Skip!

  4. Grew my beard in 1976 after I had all four "wisdom" teeth removed. Was swelled up like a chipmunk for a week and couldn't shave, and by then my beard was coming in real nice, so I just kept it. Always hated shaving in the morning anyway....

    Sounds like you got clipped with what Sweet Little Wife and I had a month or so ago. Knocked the living daylights out of me for about 72 hours. You're a bunch younger, so I'll guess you'll get over it quicker.

    Earlier this year I was hanging out in the garage watching a rabbit in the neighbors front yard when a really big hawk came screaming in straight down at about Mach 3 and clobbered the rabbit as I watched. I was a bit surprised the hawk could lift it out of there, but after 20~30 seconds he took a deep breath and carried it away. Mother Nature is both beautiful and violent, and it was stunning display of it less than 30' away.

    Always liked the CH-53's. Didn't know the gear could hang up like that, but after watching the crew get it extended, I figured they'd done it a few times before.

    Get well soon, Shaun!

    1. And the beard came off this afternoon. I'm suddenly younger!

      Just about completely recovered from the tummy flu. Still a bit wrung out but feel much better.

      Raptors are just cool. Every once in a while I see a sharp-shinned hawk take a dove. Big cloud of feathers!

      53's are big and cool too. Not at all uncommon to have hung gear.

      Thanks drjim!

  5. Not into the beard thing here at all, and it makes most guys look way older than they are, but it's your face.
    You'll toughen up... Worked as a site secretary for the school district for a few years, built a great immune system up. Kids carry everything and cheerfully spread it around.

    Long time to hold a tight hover.

    1. Beard's gone on the direction of the youngest. It served its purpose and needed to go.

      Feeling much better this afternoon. 24-hour bug I guess. Good to have a solid immune system.

      Navy helo bubbas are awesome.

      Thanks Brig!

  6. Dumb landlubber question. Since the MH-53 is watertight and can land on water in an emergency, could they have done a water landing then towed the aircraft to shore?

    1. They could have, but it's actually less risky and less costly to do what they did. You'd have to get it out of the water, you'd have to do post water landing corrosion control stuff (take much of the thing apart and flush out all the salt water), and water landing helos frequently turn over even in ideal conditions.

      Thanks WSF.
