Corpsman Chronicles


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Children and fencin' and livin'

Last time I mentioned A Grief Observed, by C.S. Lewis. An unexpected charm for me is the foreword by Madeleine L'Engle, author of the A Wrinkle in Time quintet, a series I devoured when I were a lad. I knew nothing and still know nothing of the woman herself, however, I did enjoy her foreword to the Lewis book.

I mention this because L'Engle states, "It is all right to wallow in one’s journal; it is a way of getting rid of self-pity and self-indulgence and self-centeredness. What we work out in our journals we don’t take out on family and friends."
A Grief Observed (Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis) (p. 8). HarperOne. Kindle Edition.

Which makes me wonder whether I should blog at all about my own grief. It's a good question, and I'm not sure I know the proper answer.I think I'm going to continue to say and show things if it feels right to do so. I'm not planning on putting self-pity on display. Of that I've almost none, and it's overwhelmed by love and blessings. Chime in below and let me know what you think.

That said, it was a brilliant morning to share with a couple of kids.

And speaking of sharing, it can be a tricky concept to navigate.

Then came teamwork and cooperation.

Reach and grasp. What a concept.

Hide and seek?


I have a fitness watch linked to a smartphone. Watch on the left wrist, phone on a lanyard around my neck. I keep the phone ringer and notifications on vibrate, and the vibration is mirrored by the watch. When the watch loses contact with the phone, it vibrates. So when my watch vibrates I've got a call, a message, or I've misplaced my phone. It's a system that works pretty well for me.

At first Allie took exception to the watch. She didn't like how I'd glance at the watch when it vibrated. I think it made her feel a touch insecure, like I was expecting a call from a girlfriend or wondering how soon I could leave. She said she thought I was addicted to the technology, and she may have had a point.

One day when we were hugging my watch vibrated and she felt it. She was mad until she realized that her body was blocking communication between the phone on a lanyard around my neck (and therefore between us) and the watch on my wrist. Both wrists of course, being attached to hands and arms, were wrapped around her in a loving embrace.

"My heart can stop your technology!"

"Your heart controls everything about me, Love."


Fencing after kids. It was hot out and the work was good and physical. I got stuck in at 10 a.m. when the air temp was 80. According to the official record (properly sited and calibrated unit at the airport, less than a mile distant) the mercury only touched 87. Felt hotter than that!

There's something good and proper and vital in accomplishing a hard physical job for real reasons in the real world. A lot of people will never know what that statement even means. I'm fortunate that I do.

Today featured ups and downs, much like any other day. I lived and loved and did not simply exist.

Tomorrow promises clear skies, sunshine, and a high of 98. Typical early September weather for this part of the country. I plan to do a lot of good, solid, physical labor, and I plan to hike at least a few miles. Sunday is looking much the same for weather and planned activities. Monday will be cooler, and Monday night is expected to bring sharply colder temps -- down to 31 degrees -- and the first snow (perhaps) of the season. Again, typical early September weather.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Cowboy's occupation. Stacking hay and fixing fence.

  2. Pretty good sized backyard Shaun, good place for the little ones to play.

    Screaming hot to snow, that's what I remember about the Plains.

    1. It's a grand big yard with a great fence. Last evening there were eight kids and a couple of grownup kids tearing around in there having lots of fun.

      It's 96 degrees just now (1:25 p.m.) but breezy and it doesn't feel as hot as yesterday. Looking for 99 degrees later today and a low of 24 Tuesday night with snow.

      Thanks Sarge!
