Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Thankfulness, November 3


I'm thankful that blooger is so firetrucked up. It's a relative inconvenience, sure, but it also brings home on a daily basis that which most of the universe's first world ape-lizards do not appreciate.



You may recall my moaning about the recent cold and snow we experienced. Here's what it looked like on the morning of the day, which happened to be October 25.

We had 7.75 inches of snow, and it was a pretty wet or moisture bearing snow. When I melted out my calibrated snow gauge I measured 0.75 inches.

Air temperatures tumbled as Arctic air flowed down from Canadia and the three-day average air temp was a balmy 10 degrees. The nadir of atmospheric molecular velocity as measured by the NWS at Kimball's Municipal Airport was -7 degrees American.


Yesterday at work a couple of young men who work there and are also roommates were feuding. Behaving like a couple of seventh-grade girls.

I'm grateful that I neither find it necessary to behave that way nor to insist that they behave the way I ordain.


Here's what November 3 looked like, between 3-4 p.m. The air temperature touched 80 yesterday, the sun was brilliantly warm, and there was very little wind.

Another thing I'm grateful for is that I possess the ability to appreciate things for what they actually are, not what they aren't. It's very grounding and refreshing to be able to take life on life's terms and not get caught up in a bunch of wholly manufactured angst.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. "manufactured angst" - the one thing we seem to be pretty good at.

    Be well!

    1. It seems to be a choice. I don't thing "be well" works with manufactured angst.

      Thanks Chris.

  2. La Niña winter. Hard to predict. Two winter storms forecasted this weekend with the first, and strongest hitting the Southern Colorado Rockies and the second the Northern Rockies. If that makes it past the Front Range you may get some snow. Don't most of your weather comes out of Wyoming? Seemed that way when I was driving the medical courier route.

  3. "Doesn't most" WSF, proof read before hitting publish!

    1. It'll be interesting to see what we get. Most of our weather flows in from the west but it varies north and south of west quite a bit, depending on what the atmosphere is trying to do.

      Forecast is for colder and chance of rain/snow beginning Saturday evening. We'll see.

      Thanks Frank.

  4. Observed the snowfall from about angels 32 on Monday the 26th and were truly happy that we'd missed it all on our drive east.
    We're due to top out at around 80 tomorrow, then the Jetstream brings us a major change and even, possibly, some much needed precipitation.
    One can only hope and pray.

    I don't miss working with folks who don't get along.
    About the only thing worse is having to supervise them.

    1. It certainly wasn't prime I-80 driving weather around here. Would have been pretty neat to look at the storm from above and do the old compare and contrast.

      As always nature will deal up whatever she decides to deliver on the weather front. It'll be interesting to see what develops.

      It can be unpleasant when people act out. All part of the adventure I guess.

      Hope you get some rain!

      Thanks Skip.
