Corpsman Chronicles


Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Here's a recycled Corpsman Chronicle. I updated it earlier today but since (I think) it lives over on the sidebar and therefore on a separate page it didn't jump up to the top of the heap here on the main page. It's something I should be able to figure out but I'm a bit short on spare cycles and brain power just now.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Wishing you and yours a very Blessed Christmas, and a Happy New Year, Shaun.

    1. Thanks drjim, and the same to you and yours. We are blessed beyond measure.

  2. Well worth repeating.
    Merry Christmas to all. Make sure the kids understand what it's really about not, just the fat guy with free stuff.
    Treat for the canines too.
    John Blackshoe.

    1. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year to you and yours John. The doggies are livin' the dream.

      The kids surprise me every day with their open mindedness and nascent wisdom. I shouldn't be surprised; they are the essence of unstained humanity. They bless me infinitely with every breath, every heartbeat.

  3. While rereading the Chronicle a little dust blew into the room.
    It amazes me what will affect our emotions.
    On another day I might have just said, "Great post."

    Merry Christmas, Shaun!

    1. Merry Christmas Skip!

      I just did the math; that kid is pushing the half-century mark today. There were times I got to play a bit part in little miracles. It was a good gig and I wouldn't change a thing.

      This Christmas season has been hard in some ways but unimaginably joyous in others. I'm still in the middle of an emotional explosion and my emotions have a mind of their own. I think they always have. I was good at fooling myself that I was in charge but I finally met reality I think. It's a true blessing though it often doesn't feel that way. But often it does.

  4. they are the essence of unstained humanity

    Yes they are. Pure innocence, and pure joy in life. Watching and playing with my grandson since we've moved here has given me new insights to humanity.

    1. Well into my sixth decade I'm finally finding answers to the really important questions. The answers I thought I knew were wrong, and they were answers to the wrong questions. Being schooled by a two year old is very cool. It's a livin' thing.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and all of those that you hold dear. Please make sure that the children have a merry one and the puppy dogs and everyone else as well... and you too!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and yours Mark. We're having a cool Christmas morning with lots of fun and joy. The puppy dogs are loving the warm sunshine and the kids are having a blast. I'm basking in the glow of love and livin'. :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Penrose. Merry Christmas (late) and best wishes in the new year! :-)

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
