Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, April 16, 2021


It's been over a month since I posted here. That's kind of shitty. Kind of? No, not really. it's just shitty.

Big thanks to John Blackshoe for the welfare check he sent out yesterday. I needed the prompting, and even more I needed the reminder that I've been ignoring my friends. I've got dozens of excuses. None of them are reasonably valid.

We just tripped over the eight month mark. I don't have anything remarkable to say about that. Maybe later.


carolina TURTLE shared a lovely video with me a couple of weeks ago. I love the song and the video is stunning. It's from World of Warships which is, I believe, some kind of computer game. Paddles. Wow!


I'm gonna try a 'speriment. Doc's Daily Dump. Can I post a snippet every day? I don't know. The heart and mind are willing but the flesh is weak.


Our major winter storm -- Storm Victimillia XXIX -- is in the process of delivering a gentle rain/snow mix. Which is strange because we all know that both rain and snow are impossible due to algoreism; that in fact there has been no rain or snow since 1998.



As you may imagine I've been rather the busy fellow of late. Yesterday I made the pilgrimage to Scottsbluff, Nebraska for nerve conduction/EMG tests and physical torture therapy. It was a grand and successful outing, which I'll try to describe in a follow-up post.

Just for fun...



This morning...

And that's it for today. I'm pressed for time and this will never get posted if I dick around and try to polish the tee you are dee.

I shall endeavour to return tomorrow.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Ever going to replace your windshield?

  2. Good to hear from you. We were getting a bit concerned. Stay safe and well and keep on livin'.

    1. Thanks Mark. We're charging ahead with the whole of livin'.

  3. Juvat mentioned to me the other day that he was concerned that you hadn't written anything in a while. I figured you were busy with actual life, such as gets to all of us now and again. Now that you have re-established comms, he (and I) can rest easy.

    Blogging can take up a lot of time, time better spent playing with kids/dogs/cats/working at a paying job/etc.

    As Buck would've said, "Keep on keepin' on."

    A long winded way of saying, "I'm glad you're okay."

  4. Thanks Chris. The busy has been strong with this one. Life continues to happen and stuff pops up needing to be addressed. There's always a siren song of trying to do it all and do all of it now. Fortunately for me the big priorities are very clear, and the little stuff can be shuffled a bit. I'm so glad that "old guy slow-down" isn't an option for me. I'm blessed.

  5. Boy, do I understand the Busy part! None of mine is earth shatteringly important, just keeps me busy. Our Guest house has had an 88% occupancy rate this year so far. Mrs J and I have mastered the art of the Quick Turn. I figured that was the case with you, but wanted to confirm. Glad you and the clan are doing ok, my friend.

    1. Yep, busy as all get out, which is indeed a good (great!) thing. Sounds like your guest house business is doing well. Any covid impact there?

      We're all doing well here. The winter has been snowy, cold, and long and spring is only slowly coming on, but the longer days and sunshine are good medicine indeed.

      Thanks juvat. Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to us my friend.

  6. I unnerstans the busy.
    There's just only so much time.
    If all we want is to please ourselves, then we can indulge in long blog posts.
    If we take responsibility for our lives, then maybe a monthly post is all you'll get
    Glad you're dealing with the important things.

    1. I'm learning lessons most folks get in their 20's and drinking them from a firehose. It's a good thing and a blessing. Amazing how love and God's grace allow us to survive and thrive.

      Thanks Skip.

  7. The Blinding Lights video was exactly as I remember the two years I spent on Forrestal. Except that the Bakelite mugs on the mess decks lacked the little paper umbrellas!

    I went out on a limb and stowed the snowthrower for summer.

    Take care.

    1. It's a cool video, and it's neat how many little sailor details come through. Juxtaposing that berthing compartment scene with my recollection of a coop filled with stinky, farting guys was/is pretty cool. IIRC WoW is headquartered in Estonia, where we Evertsons come from. Things are starting to make sense...

      Good job on the snow thrower. You have to let spring know who's in charge!

      Thanks John.

  8. Thanks for the update.
    Glad all is well!
    Tell the kids your reader friends all say "Hi" and wish them well.
    John Blackshoe

  9. "Oh," said the four year old when I passed along your greetings. "Can I have some fruit snacks?"

    Those kids never fail to make my heart smile.

    Thanks John, and thanks for checking.

  10. Hey Evert, was wondering where you were.
    Heed the words of R.Josh, skin care is of utmost importance...

    1. Thanks man, I've been navigating stuff and most often not doing it correctly. I'm driving on and fighting through and getting humbled, which usually leads me in the proper direction.

      I've evicted the skin care 'bot, at least for the moment.

      Hope you're well my friend.
