Corpsman Chronicles


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Birthday and blessings

On Friday when the littles and I headed over to my house the air temperature was 86 degrees and there was a stiff south breeze. Well, at 38 gusting 56 I suppose it was more than a breeze. Our mission was to bake and decorate a birthday cake. The kids would RON at my house so we carried sleeping bags and various other overnight essentials. What we did not carry was winter expedition gear, because late April and 86 degrees.

In the morning when it was time to take them home for the birthday party it was cold (35 degrees), windy, and spitting a lovely rain/snow mix. With no coats on hand for the kids my adult-grownupability rating plunged precipitously.

Fortunately we were able to make a couple of my ratty old chorin' hoodies work. You probably had to be there, but I thought the kids were remarkably cute in their substitute standard expedition gear.



The little one likes pink and claims it as her fave. Last year her birthday theme was Minnie Mouse and all pink all the time. Over the last few months she's shown a new interest or appreciation for other colors, and in particular for the nuance of shade. When I asked her what kind of a birthday cake she wanted this year she gave a quite sophisticated answer. "A chocolate cake with blue frosting, a unicorn, and clouds." She then sorted through a pile of crayons to find the exact shade of blue she had in mind. I'm clearly dane brammaged when it comes to these kids, but this change and maturation thing just blows me away. It's so cool!


In the dim quiet of the night, when I hear the gentle breathing of the littles in slumber, the enormity of the miracle comes home to me in a way that's impossible to describe. It's such a big thing that my limited ape-lizard brain can't begin to comprehend it, let alone understand it. It just is, this unconditional love thing.

I don't have the proper vocabulary to describe, let alone 'splain. I are not much of a riter, methinks.


On Friday we baked a birthday cake. But that's not all we did.

One of the secrets to a proper life is to play all the play out of the day. Regarding the 285 dollars -- the five year old is fascinated by numbers and has become quite the math whiz. over the last few weeks he's adopted 85 as his favorite number. He decided that the prize for winning the pillow case race would be $285. Why? Five year old. The winner would be the one who crossed the finish first, without falling down. He knew he would win because five year old versus three year old. Duh.


On Saturday morning we decorated the cake, which involved a giant batch of buttercream frosting. The almost four year old watched like a hawk as I added blue food coloring. When it was the exact shade she wanted she called it. "That!"

Once the cake was frosted I asked her what she wanted it to say. She wanted "Happy Birthday" as well as her first and middle name. But first and foremost she wanted it to say "Kalani." Kalani is her imaginary ("Not 'maginary!!!) sister/friend.

It took quite a bit of tube-frosting writing but the result was pretty good. Then came marshmallow clouds, sprinkles, and colored sugar, liberally applied by the kids, and neatly (for certain values of neatly) applied by the kids. Which completely obscured the writing. Except for "Kalani." It was a work of art. 

The kids, of course, gobbled the excess frosting from the mixer bowl. A super sugar charge happened. It lasted a long time, but it was starting to wear off a bit when the time came to blow out the candles.

There was a slight delay between ignition and the singing...

And the almost four year old (her birthday was actually Monday) almost faded out. She hung in there, though!

A pile of frosting with a thin base of cake underneath quickly had both the littles running at full bore.


As I think and write and reflect, what a jumble! I feel like I should wrap this post up with a neat little bow, but I'm at a loss here. T.S. Eliot comes to mind. 

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

I am so very blessed.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. More fun than a barrel of, err KIDS!
    The love love and trust just shines thru. Good on ya!
    John Blackshoe

    1. Thanks John. Awesome kids, awesome fun. They keep me going in every way. Good thing I'm not as old as I really am!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Chris. Depending on how you define the term, I'm probably something else. But... I sure try. Thank goodness life isn't a simple series of binary set solutions. Whatever I am, it's what I'm supposed to be and it's just right.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. There’s great joy in having kids around.
    They remind us how to be humble …if we pay attention.

    1. Thanks Skip. It's joy to the power of infinity and I'm so very fortunate to have this reality. And yes, they have the superpower of humble, thank goodness!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Blue cake with sprinkles and unicorns must just be a thing, same ~ 20 years ago for one of mine tho her choice of blue was a bit darker. Be well& enjoy the blessings of children.

    1. Thanks man. Must be a universal cornstant. Ah, the dad jokes! The blessings of children are indescribably wonderful, and they do so very much to keep me well.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. When I moved from Nebraska to North Carolina for a job, I found it amusing that the local weather stations there got all excited if the wind speed went over 5 mph. It was also interesting to see rain falling straight down instead of from side-to-side.

    1. Thanks Frank. So are you in North Cackalaki Now? The differences in regional weather is always interesting and often amusing. I remember rain falling straight down in Dare County so hard and heavy that it was like being in the ocean. Instantly completely soaked and not sure whether I was going to drown.
      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. I was there for a while - in Wilkesboro, home of Merlefest and the setting for the song "Tom Dooley".
      When that contract expired I moved to Chattanooga for a job there.

    3. Moving right around, aren't you?

  6. Just saw 15 inches of snow in Kimball ... that should make the grass grow.

    1. Yep, it was a nice spring snow with just over 2.5 inches of liquid moisture. Things are greening up nicely!
