Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, July 11, 2022

Pop-up tasking

Before I left town this morning there was a traffic snarl. Harvesters moving into the county, preparing to combine wheat. The combine was too tall to get under the stoplight, so hillarity ensued. Glad I was a-headed the other way.


As with most mornings, I had a slate of tasks I planned to accomplish today. But plans are like the old saying about fishin'. Just as there's a difference between fishin' and catchin', so too is there a difference between plannin' and accomplishin.' Which is fine, it's how reality works.

Before I even got started I had the opportunity to enjoy a nice diversion. As I drove past KIBM on the county road I noticed a shiny Pilatus PC-12 back-taxiing down the runway to take off into the northeast breeze (08018G24). I decided to watch.

The first picture I snapped was normal.

The second picture revealed a UFO -- unidentified flying owl.

I shot a video of the takeoff. That thing's got some go in it!

According to FlightAware the aircraft is registered to CSB Services of York, Nebraska. Hmmm. I had no idea there were flying armored cars. Learn something new every day.


Then I went and checked cows. It was a pretty morning, cooler than the last few and a bit breezy. A weather front was moving through the area.

Cattle were all well. However, there were a pair of busted pipes at one of the windmills. That needed fixing today, so I went to town and got parts, then came back and fixed the pipes. While I was at it I decided I might as well fix the windmill enclosure to keep cattle out from underneath. You know, to prevent busted pipes and such. So I went and fetched some livestock panels from storage (I had them stored in a pile in the south unit), then returned to the windmill to do that project. All of which took up a big chunk of the day.


I was gonna write more, and more better, but once again I'm tuckered out. Only 10 miles on the clock today, but a lot of that was carrying those durn unwieldy livestock panels. The doing of which, in addition to the doing of my other tasking, made it a pretty fantastic day. And everybody liked the simulated sherbet!


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Interesting day! Having counted to TEN, I will stop counting, having exhausted available fingers. Well done. Hope to continue seeing frequent posts instead of quarterly pop ups.

    Is there much wheat farming around Kimball? We have friends in Montana that grew wheat on a "small farm" ( a few thousand acres) amidst lots of big farms. Lots and lots of wheat, and not many houses!
    Those combine crews sure do keep busy, following the ripening crops north, With Ukraine harvests and shipment pretty well messed up this year, it might be a profitable year. (Not guaranteed for any crop, any year!)

    So, how DID you get down to sickbay after the helo broke?
    John Blackshoe

    1. Thanks John. I hope to continue posting regularly as well. My writer isn't quite up to speed yet but I think I'm making progress.
      There's a great deal of wheat farming around Kimball. From my perspective it's not such a great idea as climate and conditions just aren't very good for winter wheat, however, it's what a lot of guys have always done and it's therefore the easiest way to access the government money. It's complicated, but it's a form of indentured servitude at the end of the day. Quite a few younger farmers are breaking out of the mold though. It ebbs and it flows. It's likely to be a poor harvest around here this year and I think people will be surprised how little profit increased prices will bring. Commodity prices never keep up with inflation so anyone chasing dollars will be badly disappointed imo. Quite a few will do it though!
      Those Montana wheat farms are awesome!
      As for my trip to sickbay, I did it the hardest and dumbest way, but I survived. I gotta get that part two finished and posted.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Ran across an interesting saying while still young - "Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans", and I've seen it fulfilled every since.

    1. Thanks Frank! that's a true statement. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. We missed your neighborhood because of a detour through the Denver area.
    Maybe we can honk and wave westbound next week?
    Men plan …God laughs.

    1. Thanks Skip! My spies tell me the Denver area is pretty grim these days. As for honking and waving, that would be cool! Give me a day and rough time estimate and I'll "plan" to be close to I-80.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    2. Won’t be until after the middle of next week, and there’s no telling what time of day until then.
      Will keep you posted.
