Corpsman Chronicles


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Weather front

Mule deer doe in the neighbor's July corn.

See the wee trailer?


It's been a warm July. That shouldn't come as a surprise. It's warm in July. Thus far in the month we've had 16 of 23 days where the temperature has been 90 degrees or above. We've also had two days of 100 or above -- both days hitting 101. We've also had 15 of 23 days with low temps in the 50's, and zero days with low temps in the 70's. That right there is one of the nice features of this part of the world, we generally have cool summer nights.

As of today the average high temp for this July is 92.36; the average low 58.54, and the daily mean 75.45. The 129-year averages for Kimball for July are 87, 56, and 71.5, respectively. Before anyone calls 911, let's keep in mind that there are eight more days to go in the month. If history is any guide the July 2022 averages will be closer to, well, average, by the time the month closes out.

Interestingly, we had a "heat wave busting" weather front move into the region today. Today's high only reached 88 degrees, and the forecast predicts sub-90 degree daily highs for the remainder of the month. I suspect when I crunch the numbers in eight days time this July will have been a degree or two above average. Over 129 years a degree or two is indistinguishable from average.

What does it all mean? It means it's July.


I took a lazy day today. I had stuff that needed to be done, which I did, but I also had stuff I could have done which I did not do. It was a good day for it. I got some lovely relaxing reading done, sitting in my camp chair on the front porch while the cool July day went on all around me.

This may have something to do with my desire to be lazy today!

Here's a video from Thursday morning at about 9 a.m. No unscripted blabbering!

And here's a slightly longer one, take a few minutes later, also sans blabbering.

Something about the beauty of the morning kept my yap shut. I should do that more often.


This morning there was a cow and calf in an adjacent pasture. I'm not sure exactly how they got in there; no wires down or obvious tracks. No big deal, I had only to open the gate and the pair came running, anxious to rejoin the herd. Moving cows can be easy when everyone is on the same page!

I did a lot of blabbering though, and there was some wind noise...

Tomorrow, unless plans change, we'll move the lot down to the south unit.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. So, Red is the ranch and cow dog, and Tommy is the kid's town dog?
    Looks like the calves and cows are still pretty much paired up. How are the two sick ones coming along, or is one treatment usually enough?

    Happy Pioneer Day tomorrow for those who know about it.
    John Blackshoe.

    1. Yep, that's pretty much the case. Red is 10 and in her day was quite a good cow dog. These days she mostly supervises. Tommy goes to the ranch sometimes but he's mostly a town dog and an excellent kid herder.
      The cows and calves will stay paired until the calves are weaned at the end of summer or in early fall. The sick ones are all pretty much better. The most recent one isn't quite back to full speed yet but the other one is. We did treat a third one in June and she's been all better for several weeks now. For this particular illness one treatment is enough so long as you catch it early enough. If it gets past a certain point they die regardless of treatment.
      If I'd ever heard of Pioneer Day I've long since forgotten about it. Possibly not a bad idea for us modern folks to remember how hard life was for pioneers, especially if we start imagining how tough our lot is!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting John!

  2. Whatever the temperatures this summer is better than last year's. Last year we lived with wildfire smoke for weeks.

    1. That's a fact! Now why, I wonder, don't the grand poobah tellers of the "real certified truth" ever mention stuff like that? I have noticed that the weather forecasters have finally stopped predicting heavy baby-killing smoke every day. So there's that.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Frank!

  3. When temps are high, being lazy and staying indoors until it cools off is a good idea. Before retiring, there was another guy at work who thought he was still in as good shape as he was in his 20's. Yes, he was in good shape but.....he went out to mow a large lawn during high temps and died as a result. Not an example to follow.

  4. That's a valid point Frank. OTOH, there's a line between reasonable risk mitigation tactics and slovenly slacking. My internal default is to sit on the couch eating donuts and shooting up gravy, so I have to be kind of a dick to myself at times. Which is good, because pushing through the lazys is important for old dudes who want to live rather than simply exist. At least that's the way it looks to this old dude. And not that I'm planning to cross over anytime soon, but I think I'd rather croak out quick while doing something challenging than linger in a warehouse.
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
