Corpsman Chronicles


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Getting closer

Things are starting to come together for my idea of hosting some Two-Gun matches on the ranch. This morning I put three mock-up stages together and ran them with video.

The purpose of such matches? Well, among other things...

The first stage is called Raising Arizona.

The purpose is to rescue a baby in a car carrier from bad guys. Zombies, terrorists, irs agents, whatever. Start with holstered pistol and rifle on table. Run to table, engage two barrel targets with two rounds each rifle. Safely table the rifle. Run to first set of flags and engage paper targets with two rounds each pistol, then to second set of flags and engage paper targets with two rounds each pistol. Then dash to the baby, pick it up in its carrier, and run back to the start table. On the way back engage each paper target with one shot each from one-handed grip, keeping hold of baby/carrier with the other hand. Back at the table place baby/carrier out of harms way, then re-engage barrel targets with two rounds each rifle. This ends the stage. Time today, 2:02.

The second stage is casualty rescue.

Shooter starts seated in passenger side of vehicle. Pistol holstered with six rounds in mag, empty chamber, rifle in vehicle mount between seats, loaded magazine and empty chamber. From seated position engage closest paper targets with two rounds each pistol. Change mags, step out of vehicle and engage the other paper targets with two rounds each pistol. Decock and holster, run to casualty and drag him to cover behind the vehicle. Retrieve rifle and from cover at rear of vehicle engage steel targets with two rounds each. Safely down rifle, simulate treating casualty, retrieve rifle and re-engage steel targets with two rounds each. This ends the stage. Sorry about the wind noise. Time today, 2:18.

Stage three is vehicle ambush. Shooter starts seated in drivers seat with hands on the wheel. Pistol is holstered with empty chamber. Rifle is unloaded and zipped in case on passenger seat. At the start signal shooter bales out of vehicle with cased rifle. From cover shooter uncases and loads rifle, then engages steel targets from prone position at rear of vehicle, two shots each. Shooter transitions to front of vehicle, re-engaging steel targets from over the hood, two shots each. Shooter runs to cover behind barricade, re-engages steel targets from prone position at right of barricade, two shots each. Shooter moves to left side of barricade and re-engages steel targets from prone position, left handed, two shots each. Shooter then engages near paper targets with pistol, two shots each. This ends the stage. Time today, 3:11.

So. Old fat guy running 2-gun stages isn't a pretty sight. My marksmanship wasn't up to par. This is why you do it, to stress yourself and make shooting and operating the weapons a challenge.

I had a malf on stage three shooting lefty. Let the ejection port get too close to the barrel and stovepiped. I fought through it, recognized and cleared the malf, and re-engaged. That might have been my best performance of the match.

All in all, it's a lot of fun.


  1. Looks like a lot of work!

    Interesting though...

    1. It is a good bit of work but it's fun outdoor work for a good cause.And interesting. 😎

  2. It's people such as you who are the reason that no country's leadership in their right mind ( I know, that excludes a number of them ) would invade the United States of America. Bravo Zulu. Carry on with the plan of the day.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. It would be a rough go if the Cubans came back. Wolverines!



  3. Well Done, That Man! I wish I lived closer, so I could come out and play!

    1. That would be cool. Maybe we'll figure something out.

  4. Well... I don't feel nearly so bad about my three gun performance now.

  5. Great performance- I doubt that I would do as well. That 22 year old is still within those of us that have, umm, changed somewhat over the decades. ;)

    1. Thanks Ron. He's in there and he's shaking his head...
