Corpsman Chronicles


Monday, April 3, 2017

The hurrier I go

Busy, busy, busy. It's 1930 local and I'm just getting back to the house after a long day. Nothing major, just the usual springtime calving stuff.

Here are a couple of antelope videos. Three young males who were grazing on winter wheat an hour or so before sundown the other evening. The only remarkable thing about them is their proximity to the road, their seeming curiosity, and the way they stuck around to check me out. Antelope do seem to be highly curious but also highly cautious. They tend to shy away from roads and seldom stand still when a vehicle approaches.

This one is of me tagging a new calf. Video by my brother the new cattleman. It wasn't as exciting as it looks.

And here is the new cattleman tagging his first calf. The calf got in a good one. Sorry about the poor video technique; I was trying too hard not to laugh to do a proper job.

Finally, calves at play.

Coolish and windy today with intermittent rain showers and occasional warm sunshine. Good day to be a rancher.

Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.


  1. It looked like a good day to be a rancher.

    1. It was one of those days you don't have to look too hard. :)

  2. I'm always happy to read that things are going in generally the correct direction for you.

    Paul L. Quandt

  3. I remember seeing the pronghorn in my travels between Ft. Collins and Cheyenne. Fun to watch.

    1. They are. I read somewhere that a group were unofficially clocked on a jeep speedometer at 61 mph.
