Corpsman Chronicles


Thursday, November 14, 2019

I have skills!

Any sane and rational person reading this post will most likely beg to differ with me on the definition of skill. While I hold that the term means I've developed over time and experience the ability to do certain things superbly well, the sane and rational reader will most likely conclude that while my so-called skills are highly entertaining, they are nevertheless more appropriately defined as "dammed odd quirks."

Which is probably correct.

An example of one of my long practiced and diamond-honed skills is multitasking at the keyboard first thing in the morning. This is an entire skill set in itself. I get bored waiting for the computer to boot up and for the programs to wake up and get ready to perform in their individual tabs. While the electrons are morning stretching I hook myself up to the b/p device and begin shaving with my trusty (rusty?) old Norelco razor.

Shaving with my right hand combined with the slow cuff inflation rate of the b/p machine leaves my left hand free for long enough to get a big slurp of Sumatra Dark down my neck. By the time the b/p is measured I've finished shaving my face. I pause for a moment to slip the cuff off and to quickly record the numbers on a spreadsheet. Looking good, Billy Ray! I then happily begin shaving the 24-hours of accumulated stubble off the parts of my scalp which still persist in growing hair. I usually let it grow out in winter, but winter is not here yet and it's a habit.

Here is where my morning ritual skill set really shines. I not only have the ability to shave my pate equally well with either hand, I can also drink coffee at the same time while operating the cup with the off hand. I like to keep my skills sharp by making them challenging, so I always wear a white tee shirt. It's a simple thing in many ways, but starting the day by successfully executing a challenging task sets the table for ongoing success through the coming hours of laborious toil.

Once I've finished the morning ritual I'm ready to embrace the day and get to work. All I have to do is pull a sweatshirt on over my coffee stained tee shirt, grab my hat, gloves, and keys, and head out the door to get it on.


All seriousness aside, 


And I got called away about the time I typed that little comma following the word "aside." It's been a long and tiring day, and though it's only 6 p.m. local I'm gonna close this out with few cow pictures and a Mule Deer video.

I guess a couple of deer pics wouldn't be out of order...

Hope you're all well and enjoying the blessings of Liberty.


  1. Let's try this again. The corn looks ready for a visit from a Deere!

    1. It's not ready yet; still has a lot of drying to do. Most likely mid-December unless the farmer can dry it or arrange a buyer with lots of drying capacity. It's fine in the field unless we get a powerful winter storm and it lodges. In the meantime the Muleys are shi++!n' in tall, er, corn.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott!

    2. You must have a longer growing season. Badgers have been harvesting for several weeks, now.

    3. We're a little bit more souther, that might make a difference. Cooler and wetter than normal summer and autumn, too.

  2. You are funny!
    Looks like the corn fed muleys have had a good year, as well as the cows.

    1. Thanks Brig. Sometimes I can pull it off. Kinda.

      It's been a very good year in our local part of the ecosystem. Fills me with joy and I'm one of the luckiest folks in the world to be able to swim in this stuff every day of the year.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Perfect start to the morning. Love the sweatshirt over the coffee-stained tee shirt, sprayed the monitor I did.

    Love watching the deer. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Sarge. Sometimes I wonder if my strange rituals and mannerisms make me colorful or simply daft. Probably doesn't matter. As long as I never find out for certain that I'm "that guy" I'll be content.

      Watching the deer is quite enjoyable. They only let you do it for so long before running away, so each experience is a treat. And tomorrow is opening day. There were a couple of two-pointers lurking in the corn, too shy to come out.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I understand the multitasking thing; as I am electronically visiting with you, I am also playing a Civilization IV game on my other computer. When I raised the blinds from our front windows, there was a deer in our front yard which looked much like your deer, so maybe she is the same type of deer. Anyway, I think I understand why you do those things, because you can and it gives you pleasure.

    Yes, I am enjoying the blessings of Liberty, thank you for reminding me and for having been part of what continues to provide those blessings.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. I can't imagine running two computers at once.

      That's cool on the deer, great big ears usually means mule deer, and they live out there too!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

    2. Well, you know what the definition of multi-tasking is. Doing more that one thing at a time, all of them poorly.

      With my game, it's mostly hitting the space bar to go to the next unit. I like to visit each city and unit each turn, so it's not too difficult to read someone's post and play the game at the same time. Besides, I've already won this game ( according to the computer ), I just like to wipe out all of the other ( computer run ) players and conquer the whole world. A megalomanic, I am.


    3. Sounds like you're at least a major deity.🤗

  5. "over my coffee stained tee shirt", snerk... BTDT... sigh

    1. :)

      It's a rare skill set I tell ya....

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
